
Saturday, December 07, 2013

Another point of view

Another point of view

       We are, as a USA federal government, penalizing success these days.  I interpret this belief as just the way I perceive what is happening. There has been a time in our past when our elected federal government promoted success over failure. Not now.

            And the present elected federal government has now had years to do their thing. Hence, anything different will also take just as long to change the courses we are presently on, in my opinion.

            Heck we use to restore washed out small we use tax payer money to restore wetlands in the eye of the local bureaucrat who dictates what is a wetland, and gets paid for his or her opinion. And anyone who even chooses to use their own money  to disagree is often in legal trouble with the local bureaucracy.  Nobody that I know of ever even challenges their qualification to rule and make judgments any more. After all, they are from the "government",  which best case has some qualifications for job hiring.  Now in the back of my mind I also know of a local county school system that hired a French teacher who could not even speak French. Now that always bothered me as a way to screwing our kids over.

            Any of our  governments (at all levels)  that do such things as I have observed will pay in the end, like often have their people lose their jobs that puts food on their table. After all, if the money runs out, so do the jobs that most need for their taxpayer funded  pay for all the normal reasons, like food on the table, and warmth during the cold season.

            What worries me is I and my Family and friends will have to pay, too.

            Now what do I imagine, really think?

             I still feel an obligation to help take care of my less fortunate neighbors and government workers if such a calamity should come to them, and to me. And I also think I have a "Brady bunch" kind of security problem looming,  also. Hungry and cold people are often desperate, and do desperate things, too. Heck, I probably would , also. The thieving rate is already up around the rural area where I live, if that is an indicator.

            I will help as best I can. Like forget politics and other basic things. I will just focus on water, waste water stuff, food, shelter (with heat in the cold season), and clothing.  Heck, I could even be one of them. And we are also already better off  than Haiti after their big earthquake in Port au Prince, too. Though not by that much in quality of life, in my opinion.

            Those who can put up with this routine (to include tough love) and survive are truly doing well, in my Marine Corps mind. Then, when times get better, we can argue and debate all we want about an even better way to be ruled and go forward.

            It's the in-between time that worries me. Restoring standards that help society are less difficult than just surviving  during possible intervening hard times, though both will be difficult in my mind.

            Yet I will still try, from my point of view. I am most interested in the future, and much less interested in the past.

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