
Monday, December 30, 2013

There won't be an academic test

There won't be an academic test

       Where do you believe all the money in the national treasury comes from?

            There is a vast sum of monies our elected representatives and appointed bureaucrats spend and also give away every year for others to spend, both foreign and domestic.

            This money mostly comes from taxes and borrowing these days.

            Now why people still loan us money often baffles me. The obvious reason is trust, faith, and confidence they will get their money back, with interest. Even war bond drives during the world war time periods provide such examples.

            When previous loans are forgiven, whose money is being given up?

            Consider your vote as a form of a test, if you choose to think this way.

            Even impeachment now comes to my mind, also.

            And shopping with my pocket book can also be thought of a form of a test, too.

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