
Friday, September 06, 2013

Random thoughts

Random thoughts

       If times get hard, then our present dietary priorities will probably change. All the basic things we need to eat in order to survive will pop up to the priority list, eventually.  I can imagine sodium and fat from meat for flavor and fat in general will be among this group. Those that are slow to pick up on this trend may not survive.

            The era of political and media dominance of the original 13 colonies in the USA will decline as the overall 50 states in the USA will arise in the usual and historical manner.

            A third party will arise around 2020. It will be based on ideas, and not some individual's fancy and personal wealth. The last century era of progressive thoughts will fail as a set of political ideas. Even the influence of academics and lawyers should revert to more traditional,  and valued roles.

            A period of the value and respect for things like morals, and honesty, and hard work, will reemerge as valued qualities. The recent era of lying and using propaganda as a way to rule is rapidly declining for its own intrinsic and short term reasons. Even the Nazis failed, for example. Even looking down on children born out of wedlock, in the old days called bastards (no fault of the kids but the fault of the conceivers), will come back, or so I suspect.

            Schools will reemerge as places to teach our children, vice indoctrinate them. The intent will be to better provide them an opportunity to succeed in their lives.

            Many old time skills, often known as recently within the last century, will come back as a way to survive and be happy. Imagine using clothes lines routinely, for example.

            People will walk more, or even ride animals, including animal pulled wagons more than these present days. Even our spouses may be from closer to their home.

            Hard times usually bring ill health, and pandemics. So stand by for heavy rolls, as the Navy might say.

            We don't need public electricity, though it is convenient throughout much of the World.  Now we do need energy, like to cook our food, but electricity is not the only way.

            The golden rule...many may say religion, will come back as a best way to help our fellow man when he or she needs help and comfort.

            The importance of spices in our cooking will gain new respect and importance. Often spices masked the rotten food aroma in our human past.

            And then there are the possible wild curves thrown at us humans by mother nature type events, like giant volcanoes. The point is survival as best we can, and often new ways to survive will arise.

            Last, the system, idea if you will, of barter, will return with a vengeance. Public governments that rely on voluntary compliance for all reasons will suffer. So I expect more potholes, for example. And government enforced taxation will see a fight back, or so I also suspect.

            So it is a busy time and will be a busy time, like normal, I guess. Much change is coming, I also suspect. And it is all for the better, though much friction will occur along the way. And this change does not need revolution or civil war or lopping leader's heads off (like in the French Revolution), though that could happen, too.

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