
Wednesday, June 05, 2013

Trespassers and facebook

       Here's another example of people trespassing,  and then posting their trespass to facebook. Now, to me, that is pretty stupid.


Looks like you had some visitors this weekend. Were you aware they were there?

A friend sent me this info from Facebook.


XXXX Falls — with         .

       XXXX, there are plenty of other far more easily accessible waterfalls I would recommend before I sent you here. This hike was one of the more difficult bushwhacks I've done in a long time.
      Difficulties encountered on this trip:
Scaling sandstone cliffs; crawling, kicking, and cutting through brambles; getting lost; swarms of gnats in ears, nose, and eyes; numbness in lips due to DEET; getting lost; ticks; knee high stinging nettle; more ticks.
The hike out was much more pleasant. We found a trail.


Add in all the local people with guns and poor training, if any, also trespassing; plus the marijuana growers and meth makers, and it is a dangerous place where I live, and I even own the land. Often, the people with guns are kids out of school, and every year that group of kids changes, so my fears remain constant. This post has been cleaned up to protect the guilty. Even the drug helicopters check this place out as part of their aerial patrols, too.


Even a picture was posted to facebook. Here it is:


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