
Monday, June 03, 2013

A chess pie recipe

-cup and half of sugar,

-stick of butter ,melted

 -TABLESPOON of apple cider vinegar

 -TEASPOON of vanilla

  -3 eggs beaten together


 -melt the butter in a skillet--I use my old black iron one--stir in the sugar and let it melt slowly, remove from heat, stir in eggs quickly then the vinegar, then vanilla.   Pour into unbaked pie shell (I use store-bought since I can't make pretty pie crust
 -Cook at 375 degrees until done (about 30 minutes.  It will sort of brown and puff-up a bit.  You can stick a toothpick in the middle to test. 


  -Let it set to cool naturally.  It will "set-up and not be runny."  It can be eaten warm, cool, cold, frozen, reheated, etc..lasts well in refrigerator or freezer

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