
Tuesday, March 31, 2015

I am willing to fight for my Family and cause…..are you?

I am willing to fight for my Family and cause…..are you?

I guess it has come down to this in my new world USA in 2015.
Going on six years of Obama and his like minded minions and like minded elected politicians (whom we mostly elected) have brought me to this conclusion, which is my future in the new world USA is now looking bleak. These people who presently rule us are just immoral, at least in my mind. That idea applies to my progeny, too. Said another way, they are going to suffer, too.
I am willing to fight in any way I can to preserve our present way of life in the new world USA. Being an old person (age 66) I can still use my money and periodically my strength, and vote.  That is all I can pretty much do. And all I want to do is live, mostly to help my progeny.
Now mostly that means living like all the articles in my blog I publish, now going on five years or more. Said another way, I have to sacrifice some in order to get what I want.
It is still hard to accept I will die on the down side of society, like going down the tubes, so to speak. It will probably be a remorseful death and during my lifetime.  I won’t like it. I thought all my sacrifices earlier in the USA Marines was just that, like sacrifices for my Family and Country would reward me and them in the end. I was naïve enough to think my military retirement income would make me happy enough until I died of old age.
So life is unfair, like what is new? 
But we in the new world USA still have a good deal to preserve, if we want to.
And we can, if we want to.

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