
Wednesday, December 18, 2013

There's nothing wrong with being more primitive in defense

There's nothing wrong with being more primitive in defense

       Just a Marine perspective

There was a time when the Marine Corps had terrible racial problems.  And often Marines would sharpen up their  entrenching tools (shovels to dig fox holes) to use as weapons. Even some units took these E-Tools (entrenching tools) away for obvious reasons.  I chose not to do so for also obvious reasons, like being able to dig dirt for entrenching artillery pieces and foxholes.

So that idea and situation decades ago reminded me of my recent delivery of a cattle prod today.

Now if you don't know what a cattle prod is, let me offer other names. They are usually marketed as animal prods. They work well on humans, too. Like think of a taser on a stick, and that is pretty much what you get. They do not kill, but certainly gain the attention of whoever (like a human) or whatever (like a pack of feral dogs) assaults us.  Just showing the cattle prod usually works OK, too. One "application" often does the trick.

The use usually involves getting up close and personnel, like in opening one's front door to a bad situation, or a barter person being attacked by wild or feral animals.

Now a gun works quite well, too. And the Marines are trained in using guns, quite well I think. But even I can miss, sometimes. I am a bad shot with pistols. And a basic shovel or pencil is not too bad a weapon, also, if push comes to shove.

So I conclude with a point, a perspective if you will.

Guns are not the only solution to protecting yourself and your Family.  There are more primitive means also available to most.

And an animal prod, or a spear, or even a kitchen knife, is not a bad way to start. And always put on a face, like in the movie The Outlaw Josey Wales.  Just get "mad dog mean".

Even once I caught five trespassers messing with my last bee hive. Well, I put on the "mad dog mean" persona, and when one young male later lost some skin spinning out his motto bike , it was everything I could do to keep from laughing at him.  He even lost some skin in front of girls.  He was bad mouthing me on my own place, to make a long story short. Now that is what training can do for you, and being up close and personal sure helped as I ran them off (2 of the 5 were females, by the way).

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