
Friday, May 25, 2012

Going forward to the future in the new world USA

       We have a good deal in our new world USA. Many know it, but probably many more don't know it. In classical terms, it behooves us to maximize our strengths, and minimize our weaknesses when we deal with all the usual problems in our culture. Nobody said it was gonna be easy in whatever we do to improve our new world USA.

            Now for me, I like bitching too, but also to me it is important to offer solutions in the form of alternatives to our elected representative's policies.  That idea is profound, if you think about it. I would rather we citizens be in charge than some kind of royalty or dictatorship acting in their own way, too. And apparently, a lot of old world people think this way too since they have immigrated here, and not just for themselves, but for their children and umpteenth later generations.

            For example, perhaps we don't have to improve our new world USA. Improving a culture is a human instinct, but that is the collective citizens choice as to which way to go. Perhaps what we already have is pretty good, with a Constitution and rule of law and all.

            It should be interesting to see what evolves, like what is the "present state of affairs" at the end of this century, like around 2100.

            But in 2012, I predict the citizens then will be in charge, one way or the other. It will be our own new world way to go forward, an advantage I suspect we still will have in our new world USA. Nothing wrong against the old world, but good on the opportunities for our people and our culture in the new world USA. It is special, and unique for humans.

1 comment:

jennifer anderson said...

so who do you know that will be here in 2100?