
Thursday, April 26, 2012

The die has been cast
       What a shame this has had to happen, like the probable collapse of life as we enjoy it.  The good news is that life as we enjoy it will get better in a few years, or more. I suspect the adjustment period will be painful, though.
            In other words, we can change things, but it does take time to take effect.
            Now even I bought the political advertisement/idea of "hope and change". But, in my mind, I never bought the idea of hurting myself and my Family. Now change is definitely due in the new world USA, given the present circumstances in the new world USA. So to me, it is just a matter of timing, like to do this "change" in 4 to 8 years, or to do this "change" in like 50 to 100 years?
            What upsets me is that many USA fellow humans are imposing their ideas and timing on me, and I don't get much choice about what happens to me and my Family.
            So by the title of this post, I object to what is happening to me, thanks to our elected Federal politicians, and their hired minions, like even bureaucrats.
            Yet the die is cast, so even I assume the consequences of the leaders we have elected to date in 2012, and their decisions to date, to include those of their hired minions, which will adversely affect me and my Family between now and the near future, like the next year or two. Hopefully, it will affect them, too.
            Now maybe I am wrong, mostly about the timing.
            What does that mean to me?
            Mostly it means I going to have to suffer for five to ten years, hopefully until future leaders and their decisions can take effect, like to even affect me, to include being warm and fed.
            Last, let me be practical, like I enjoy being able to turn on electric lights and heat during the cold season, and am willing to pay for it. Now that is a choice I enjoy these days in 2012. And I do enjoy being able to go to the grocery store, and purchasing fresh foods chilled or frozen by public electricity. Let me add, I also enjoy being able to take reliable deliveries to my home.
            Well, in my opinion, this choice has already been taken from me, like the "die has been cast", and it did not have to happen. Never the less, it is already going to happen to me and my Family, like I am going to be cold and hungry. Think rolling blackouts, and what that means for refrigeration, freezing, heating, cooking, lights, and cleaning. I've lived that way, so I know, and I did not enjoy it, but I could put up with it. Even canned foods are pretty good, to me. And I even got used to day on day off water supply, but after all, I was a Marine.
            And the consequences will take time to revert to the present high quality way of life we common citizens enjoy, today in the new world USA, like being warm and fed.
            Even I no longer debate with my much younger liberal friend, since the die has already been cast. He'll have to learn the hard way, now, if he even survives.  Right now, he doesn't even have a clue, though he has related he is thinking about all this.

PS  I have some advantages, which thanks to the Marines I recognize. Mostly, I have a good source of over a century of clean spring water, and a long working waste water treatment system, so I don't expect to go through a cholrea epidemic, for example.  And I do make some electricity  from hydro power so I can extend the shelf life of stored food , or food I grow later, and even have a basic security light to make the trespassers a better target, and some extra electricity left over for some LED lights so I don't have to live like Abraham Lincoln, and even charge up some AA and AAA eneloop batteries, which I suspect will be popular. And of course I have the land to do all this on.

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