
Tuesday, June 19, 2007

One perspective - The Islamic fascists have more problems than you can shake a stick at

Make no bones about it, they are a real threat and cannot be ignored. But they are not ten feet tall everywhere at the same time. Here’s some reminders.

Iranian and Arab oil money powers it all, and the Iranians are running out of money. Eventually, the Arabs will, too. The Hamas types in Gaza know all about this as they have just conquered this pitiful piece of turf called Gaza, and the Iranian promise of $250 million has problems.

Iranian mullah dictators and their slightly mad puppet president have many domestic problems that both distract them, and may get them replaced, permanently perhaps.

Al-Qaeda types, and other missionary people are just as much outsiders to many of the Moslem countries they attempt to subvert as we may seem. Al-Qaeda gets its money ripped off by the Islamic rebel warlords in the southern Philippines just as badly as we might. Most locals don’t like outsiders coming in and interfering. And most Moslems are not Arab.

There are many Moslem areas that are more secular than the newly arrived Arab conservative sharia law types. Most of these people will fight or if possible, ignore the imposition of the Taliban type rules we have all read about in Afghanistan. Kosovo and Gaza are good examples we read about. Not all locals are as pious as the new conquerors in Gaza, and the conquerors will have many problems just in this area.

If Hamas is dumb enough to attack Israel out of Gaza, they will have also concentrated many targets (like 12,000 zealots) in a small area. The Israelis should say thank you if they actually go in to win, vice what they did in Lebanon.

There has been a decades long and quietly pursued Arab oil financed building of hundreds of mosques and schools which are then manned by those from the Wahabbist sect (really Salafist and Qutbist Moslem Brotherhood types). Like all campaigns, some things stick and some things don’t. The sponsors have wasted a lot of money and energy in this whole campaign which is extended over the entire Moslem world. In western terms, this effort has bled a lot of blood that is not devoted to bleeding the west.

The Arab civilization is a failing civilization.

The Arabs are not a united group. Syria is actively trying to eradicate the Moslem Brotherhood, and vice versa, for example. Don’t forget the Persian-Arab historical frictions.

The almost hopeless bureaucracies and governments of the west seem to be slowly responding to the threats to the native peoples in the Americas and Europe, to include Russia. It is getting tougher to be an Islamic suicide bomber anywhere in the world. Western spies are doing better. And local spies for hire and tribal leaders show that not all agree with these most terrible Islamic terrorists who kill wantonly for their foreign political objectives.

1 comment:

Radiant Times said...

Excellent Article and very true. My husband and I have been talking about the inferiority of the Arab Culture for a long time.

Thank you for your article and your service to our country.

Radiant Times