
Friday, June 15, 2007

Are the Democrats another Whig Party?

A national party no more? Zell Miller wrote a book with this title in 2003. And it appears many of their actions and political positions are driving the party down. Sometimes people leave the party, sometimes the party leaves them. Many people feel like they are being forced from the party they grew up in.

The Democratic Party has adopted the visceral pacifist and anti-war types. It has also adopted the trial lawyers, and the eco-extremists. It appears to be moving from aggressive promotion of its policies to a leftist censorship founded in dogmatic thought control. The Democratic Party also seems to be the catalyst for the politics of personal destruction and other such means to run over its opponents. All this is very un-American to the point where the Country will have to change to accommodate it; or the Country will vote with its feet and go to other Parties much as happened to the Whigs. Parties are supposed to be about the Nation first, and not themselves.

Trying to analyze the Democrats is pseudo psycho babble at best. But seeing what they are doing is a look and see method. Many follow the money. Just where the eco-extremists raised $3 million for elections in 2006 is still amazing to me if done legally. But if true, this money seems to allow the tail to wag the dog of the Democratic Party today. If in doubt, just read the draft of Mr. Rahill’s (D) eco bill written this week. Just where does the National interest come in to this equation? Why is the Democratic leadership allowing this to happen?

The problem also seems based in the weak leadership as displayed by Speaker Pelosi and Leader Reid. Pelosi seems more interested in her local San Francisco 129,000 voter base than she is in her Party and her Nation. Reid seems to have abandoned his own beliefs in favor of the minor elements that seem to be driving the party today. And most pitifully, both have had to resort to getting too many votes by using our public monies for congressional pork barrel priorities.

The other leading indicator of how far the Party has fallen is its failure to lead and legislate after taking over the Congress in January 2007. Voters may have been disgusted and frustrated with the Republicans, but the strategy and tactics for the Democrats to get elected are simply not those required to lead and legislate. This inability to shift from an election strategy to a national legislative strategy is profound for a Party claiming to be national in character. Obstruction and hate are not a plan for a national party. Already the Democrats should be holding committee meetings on the Iranian threat, and the existing overt actions of the Iranian dictators. This is most basic to national defense, yet nothing is happening.

That the largest group of voters call themselves “independents” should be a wake up call to the Democrats, as well as the Republicans. Unless the Democrats can “take care of their problems”, they are leading themselves down the path of the Whig Party, which came to a national end in the 1850’s.

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