
Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Be really really scared

It’s times like this that are genesis for the most terrible manmade events, usually wars. It could be something else as bad, as a weapon of mass destruction terrorist attack within the USA. With the Executive seeming beaten down politically by the Iraq War mismanagement and the domestic enemies piling on, perhaps that perception is correct. One can take this idea a step further, with the Executive being paralyzed from taking most future actions in our Nation’s defense, and the Congress being intimidated by the coming summer Iranian military offensive in the region. The aforementioned is not the scary stuff; the scary stuff is our Nation’s foreign enemies (many are not in the Persian Gulf region) believing all this and acting on their confidence and beliefs. Our Nation is not all powerful, though some may think so. Hurricane Katrina, for example, has take up vast amounts of National wealth, as did the 9/11 attacks. Any future attack that hurts us significantly both economically and politically would be such a scary attack. We can be “drawn down”. And then our allies have their own interests to act on.

For the relatively small percentage of our voting electorate who are also sincerely and vehemently anti-war, this is going to be a tough period, much like happened to their peers who faded away after the final Nazi aggressions in Europe and the Japanese surprise attack on Pearl Harbor. That it all may take place in this impossibly extended and too long presidential campaign will be a boon to the voters still shopping around, which is most. And of course the voters will also vote in Senate and House elections.

So what do you think? Can the Executive and Congress still act in the Nation’s defense during the period leading up to the Presidential election in 2008, and the swearing in during January 2009? Most certainly our foreign enemies are going to use misjudgment during the intervening period in their decisions to bring ruin on the USA. Some may even be emboldened, one may say.

1 comment:

Mark Harvey aka Snooper said...

When the politicos care for nothing but their next reign of the seat of power in DC, they jeopardize our very survival.

As a friend of mine (JB Williams) says, "What a bunch of scum we have in Washington today. It’s time for comprehensive Washington DC reform, not illegal alien reform!"

His article can be found here:

Or straight from the author:

Well said, Marine.