
Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Being in love and just getting old together

The advertisements today about the Glycemic Index, trophy wives, hot bodies at age 40, and my wife no longer thinks of me as disgusting have exceeded my tolerance level.

These TV advertisements promote a lifestyle most of Americans don’t even think about or live by. Spontaneous sex when young is so wonderful, but marriage and families have a way to tone down the sex, and promote the wonderful things about having a nurtured family.

We all know women want to be young forever in their minds. This is terrible in its implications in America today when even girls want to look like teenage boys. What is distressing is when adult mothers perpetrate this stupid idea. Most mother’s are smarter, but then we have the TV advertisements to stress things out for them, mostly.

So let’s fathers encourage mothers to be themselves. Married mothers can be in love and get older just fine. Nobody invented this idea, especially an advertiser.

1 comment:

Right Truth said...

What a great article. It's like you read my mind. I was thinking about this just yesterday. When folks are young, they say they look forward to 'growing old together', but that's not true.

They have an image of a sweet little old man and woman, sitting in a swing on the porch, with birds chirping, a nice breeze blowing, and big smiles on both faces.

It's the GETTING there that people don't think about. As we grow up we are continually growing older. A wrinkle here, an ache there, a new medical problem, weight gain/loss, ...

That's the reality and while we need to take care of ourselves, keep healthy, ... we also need to live in the real world. We will all grow old, unless we die first.

I'm thankful to have a wonderful hubby who loves me after all these years, and I love him the same way.

I feel so blessed.

Is that a gray hair I see???? heh