
Monday, May 04, 2015

Robots and human labor

Robots and human labor

Much has been said about this subject over the last few years.
And most certainly there are things that robitic machines can do well, to include replacing human workers where it makes economic sense. Often these are both difficult and dangerous kind of jobs. Often accuracy is involved, too.
And then are the mundane things that so far the robotics people presently leave alone, like yard work or harvesting seafood to put on our plates to eat and enjoy.
What I don’t ever hear is about the people who build and control and maintain these robitic machines that often do such wonderful work.  Many of them are very young and inexperienced, and often not from the industry the robot works in. Now that makes me nervous, like mostly can I rely on them, especially if they (the human controllers) are disinterested?
Sadly, in 2015 my report is no, like I deserve to be nervous. Maybe later, but not now.
Like can even we depend on robotic machines to provide for our national defense, which includes things like border defense, which by many reports is in sad shape.
So who do who I trust these days. Mostly it is those who do quality work that I pay for and count on.  The Made in American label still means something to so many.

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