
Monday, October 21, 2013

Single-payer health care

Single-payer health care

       A wiki article on the subject can be found at:

Poster's comments:

1) Is the method we choose effective?

2) Is this method more effective than the present health care system in the USA?

3) Can we afford whatever system we choose to use?

4) Universal health care is a noble goal.

5) The laws and policies and practices we use should match the noble goal. Said another way, it is possible to have a bad system chasing a noble goal.

6) Do the people choose the method, or does some other group choose the method?

7) Do we have enough prisons and courts to enforce any laws we use for health care?

8)  How do we take care of our Family's health, including dental health?

9) What is catastrophic health care?

10) Do we execute our old people routinely? After all, most young people eventually grow old.

11) Is health care tied to societal productivity?

12) Do health care and abortion mix?

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