
Sunday, October 06, 2013

Pandemic practices

       A decent wiki primer on the subject can be found at:

Poster's comments:

            1)  The classical advice is to keep the sick and ill as warm and hydrated as you can, assuming a hard times situation. Even enemas with hydrolyte type of baby liquids (even Gatorade)  will help when the sick and ill can't even drink without throwing up.

            2)  Accept that people will die, most likely, and plan accordingly. Mostly that means how to dispose of the dead bodies in order to protect those still alive.

            3) Practice preventive medicine all the time, including during a pandemic. Classical examples are to wash your hands, even sneeze into your sleeve, or put some kind of mild anti-biotic on one's scrapes and other boo boo's. Breathing masks will probably help, though that will depend on the type of pandemic we might have to deal with.

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