
Sunday, October 06, 2013

Letters and Notes

Letters and Notes

      Letter Re: A Handy Small Faraday Cage

I found a surprise at the local Wal-Mart the other day: an American made 6 gallon galvanized metal container with locking lid (the bail is shaped to hold the tightly fitting lid closed when pulled up). With the lid on, it is approximately 15 inches high and about 14 inches in diameter at its widest point. The manufacturer is Behrens Manufacturing in Winona, Minnesota. Besides making a great small container for feed, etc., it could be a great EMP shield for your smaller electronic devices that will easily fit under a counter or bench. The price is good also: $14.97 plus tax. - Steve C.

JWR Replies: Behrens Manufacturing does indeed make a wide range of sizes of galvanized steel containers. Most of them work fine for Faraday cages.

For the budget-minded: Ask your relatives at Christmas for any spare steel popcorn canisters and Danish cookie gift tins. These steel containers have tight-fitting steel lids. As my father was fond of saying: 'Free is right in the middle of my price range!"


Yesterday is the birthday of Jonathan Edwards (born 1703, died March 22, 1758), a prolific Calvinist theological writer. Many of his writings were later collected in the multi-volume book The Rational Biblical Theology of Jonathan Edwards, edited by John Gerstner. Every serious Bible scholar should have a set of those books.


"In God we trust, all others bring data." - W. Edwards Deming, later popularized as a motto engraved on the entrance of a NASA research laboratory

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