
Thursday, October 03, 2013

If "they" don't want to govern, then "we" will

If "they" don't want to govern, then "we" will

       It sure seems like it has come down to this idea these days.

            Serious and even petty  squabbles about the existing power of the present rulers seem like they believe their status quo and their existing system will go on forever.

            And I don't suggest a civil war or a revolution to change things. What I do suggest is voting to get new leaders who will govern the new world USA better than is what is happening today.  Now, and again in fairness,  some present leaders are already doing a pretty good job, and the voters should reinforce them as best they can. And this should be at all levels, like school board, local, state, and federal.

            I still think the Nation's capitol will ultimately move towards Kansas when all the ordeal and friction  is over or tamped down, but only time will tell. DC will still have great value , mostly for historical reasons.  And I still think the 1913 law that dictates the size of the House of Representatives at 435 will be updated or superseded, too. After all, our USA country has many more people now, too. Along the way, the shadow government, sometimes called the House Staffers, will suffer as a result.

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