
Tuesday, November 01, 2011

It will never happen, but

It might happen these days.

Long standing assumptions about cultures, and trust and faith in them paying their bills, is now up for grabs in so many places.

So many of our political and financial leaders may not be right for the present situation. Now some are "right", too. And every culture and nation state has its own problems, too. For example, I would rather be in the new world USA than the old world China we think of.

Now our present political leaders are a voter decision in the USA, and we voters have contributed to the problem we face today. Yea, we can say many of our elected leaders are failing us, but in the end, we did put them in power. Hence the people's part of the present situation. Now for the poor investors, well, that is their problem as to picking their leaders.

And as to wondering, I am slowly coming to think the Democratic National Party has become a criminal conspiracy, in the traditional way of history thinking. And the present Republican National Party is not too far behind. But who is going to say this in a RICO type of way, or even spend the prosecutorial time given the sponsorship and rewards system presently in effect (at all levels, federal, state, and local). The key way of thinking to me, is that the Party is still more important than the Country to so many members of their Party. Why, I still don't know?

But now serious issues are a stake, like our lives and well being.

So quicker change in our status quo is due, and really is already underway. Just how it will happen in the next 10 or 20 years is up to us, we citizens. Nope, we are not subjects.

The good news is that the future world in the USA will be pretty good for our Families and our kids. But whatever "it will never happen" means where you live, you can make a difference. Go for it!

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