
Tuesday, November 01, 2011

How do you find the news where you live?

The quick answer is I don't know, as even I get frustrated at my own level in east Tennessee, USA.

Now there's many things published in most media that, in my opinion, is just the person's personal opinion, published as news. This idea is new in the last three decades, I think. Heck, I can go to the local Hardees for breakfast to hear the same kind of opinions.

I even had a commie pinko liberal friend ask me the same question, by the way, like how does one find out what is really going on?

Now I have gone out of my way to even read foreign journals (daily), and even reading an intel weenie providing his interpretation of the foreign reporting. Right now, that is the best I can do. What a sad state of affairs, I think.

So good luck, if you want to know the news where you live these days.

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