
Sunday, November 06, 2011

How much bathing is the right amount?

The quick answer, I think, is that most Americans think once a day is good. Now whether it is a shower or a bath, I will leave that question for other thoughts.

Now is that healthy; and the quick answer is that I don't know. After all I suspect most of our ancestors settled on less than once a day (mostly because they had to), and they did OK I think. We're here, after all.

For the record, my own personal record is 39 days without a bath, and then I had to sneak into a Palestinian work camp (occupied by Marines but off limits to me) to gain a warm shower. Yep, even I like warm water when I can get it. Also, there are ways to survive, in a healthy manner I think, without a daily bath. Baby wipes are one way. I suspect our ancestors had their ways, too.

So what is the standard, like best for our health? I don't know, but suspect it is less than a shower or bath a day. The thought of bathing in publicly provided clean water with chlorine (a poison at a reasonable level) in it bothers me. And I used to do some pool maintenance (using typical chlorine which also burns our eyes), too, so that is what provides me my question about our health.

Last, I suspect most who want to sleep together (including sex) would like a clean smelling spouse or partner. But is that also healthy, again the frequency of bathing is the basic question, like smelling clean? And again, I don't know the answer, but suspect it depends on where you live, and what you do.

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