
Thursday, January 27, 2011

OK, get sick if you want too

So many in the USA are used to being able to go to a doctor, and getting a prescription from them, to heal our bacterial diseases.

Yet there are so many other diseases we can get, including viral and fungal. There are even prions from 'mad cow disease', for which there is no cure these days.

I myself think about all this, and make my own decisions. My bottom line is to be conservative. So for me I won't eat any meat that includes anywhere where prions might lurk, like pig brains, squirrel brains, or any kind of cow that includes brains or even spines, like even T-Bone stuff. And one cannot cookout prions with heat, like works for bacteria, viruses, and even fungal stuff.

So much my mother's mother making scrambled pig brains and eggs for breakfast. I and my brother would lie to her back then "as to why we not hungry", which I am sure she saw right through.

Now in fairness, our USA beef industry has done a lot, as well as our USA Federal government, dating back to the 1990's. So probably most food things are safe to my health, to include our export of our beef. Yet I choose to go another way. And there are many other good choices I trust more. All are good choices, so this is a good problem.

So today, make your own choices about what you eat; the medicines you take; the vaccines you may take and even introduce to your kids; and what even you are willing to vote for, like draining malaria wet lands.

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