
Friday, January 02, 2015

I still want to be ruled

I still want to be ruled

Let me say it another way. I enjoy the benefits of good order and discipline.

It seems to me the present bunch of politicians in charge of my future are doing a crummy job. That idea includes both Republicans and Democrats. And they have had a century of time to show their stuff.
And in fairness, some of them are presently doing OK. In the military, we would say support success, not failure.
Something has changed, including we the people who are being ruled. I think too many of them (our elected politicians) are ruining the lives of me, my Family, and my loved ones.
So Plan A is to change the form of Government we have in the new world USA.  There are already ways to do that, legally and time-taking. I don’t recommend it, but most certainly others may adopt this point of view.
And Plan B is to change those elected politicians who have both sought office, and we often elected them, and now they are delivering a crummy product that is now dragging us down. And again “us” is you and me, our Families, and our loved ones.
We, the people, are better than that. We the people, and our Families and loved ones, deserve better than that.
Just don’t “throw out the baby with the dirty bath water”. Said another way, there are many good performing  politicians out there who are bound and determined to change the present system that now appears so terrible in it’s effects on our lives.
Let me be more obvious. Let’s change our elected politicians and their appointed minions, not our system. Now that is a start point, of course.

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