
Sunday, December 07, 2014

The simplest things are often the most effective

The simplest things are often the most effective

KISS (Keep it simple stupid) is usually a good idea.

This idea can apply to Christmas presents, too.
So old fashioned presents like something magnetic can still work magic for many children, for example. Magnetic beards and hair on men come to my mind right now. The possibilities are unlimited. Kids can make some funny looking men that a little shake will often disrupt, too. Yep, we adults have retribution and can be devious, too.
So can any present being made “homemade”. I think the modern vernacular these days is DIY (do it yourself). So take your time and imagination (and often ingenuity) and make a broom in one case, or crochet a beanie in another case, or do whatever. It only takes your initiative, and “good luck” often. Even love among couples can be difficult, as many already know.
During the gift giving season is a wonderful time to spark (or more often respark) most people’s imagination, and even show one’s love and appreciation for all one’s loved ones and Family do towards our common good, even more personal selfish-good sometimes, too.
Has anyone been dumb enough to give a gift to their significant other that maybe they want for themselves, or even as a hint to their significant other. I have, and will regret it to the day I die.
There are better way to do things.
And often the KISS idea does help.

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