
Friday, December 05, 2014

Interview: U.S. Navy Personnel Chief Worries Over Potential Service Retention Problems

Interview: U.S. Navy Personnel Chief Worries Over Potential Service Retention Problems

Poster’s comments:
1)      Given we in the new world USA are unilaterally disarming (perhaps just an opinion), one can predict many Americans will bail out of their military service they volunteered  for. This idea will apply both to those joining, and those who choose to stay in at the end of their present contract.
2)      If such happens, I can imagine our future politicians will reinstitute the forcible military draft that so many still loathe.
a.      That it is a numbers game for both “gear” and “people” becomes obvious for those Americans who have to make it happen.
3)      So much for the all volunteer military system begun in the early 1970’s. I, myself, don’t remember voting on this big issue about ourselves, especially our children since the burden usually falls on the younger people to fight and die.
4)      Older types will suffer, too. I had a barber in Louisville, Kentucky, who got drafted during WWII at age 36 or so.
5)      I suspect many in the military will still want to “re-up”, but their spouses will say “no”. There are many present reasons they will say no, I believe.
6)      There is one obvious alternative. We can just surrender to a regional power, like Iran.  Then see what that gets us. Imagine a nuclear war in the Persian Gulf area for example. Even multiply it by the seasonal monsoon winds and international effects our politicians will then pontificate on.
7)      In such a situation, I can imagine a forcible military draft coming back into existence in the new world USA. And the whole process will take time, like even another World War.
8)      Many will say “that did not have to happen” and that is “pretty stupid that it did”.

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