
Thursday, February 16, 2012

What a privilege in life

The subject is on demand public electricity. The obvious example is that when I turn the switch to get light in my house, it actually comes on, even in the middle of the night. Plus my satellite TV still works, too, like all day and night long. This is still amazing, to me, and I appreciate it. I have lived in places with less public electricity, too. Usually it is like allocations, like the capitol city of North Korea gets 3 hours a day, while the rest of the country gets zero.

Build that into your Family planning work schedule, too. Most of us like even having our public electric refrigerator and freezer working, too.

It has taken a lot of work, and planning, and other such things to allow this to happen for we common citizens in the USA. I like the benefit! For all the fellow Americans who still work to make this happen, thank you. Even I like being warm, for example, and public electricity sure helps in this matter, like the basic heat, or even the public electric controllers for things like natural gas and fuel oil.

And even I use a wood stove heater, too. The first year it was kind of romantic, now it is just work. So my supplement is public electricity (and long johns), and the prices to pay are rising, which I kinda accept, but still wonder why. I suspect our present elected political leaders are warm and also fed, but don't really know from where I live in east Tennessee.

The point of the preceding lament, is that I expect our political leaders to share in the effort, but from where I sit, it doesn't seem to be happening. Even the Putnam County Courthouse is often too hot for many employees, and I think my taxes help pay their energy bill.

So back to the title of this post. I truly appreciate all the efforts our fellow Americans go through to provide us common citizens public electricity, on demand, to boot.

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