
Sunday, June 06, 2010

A sad state of affairs

Sometimes are better than others.

And this is an others time. Bummer for those affected, which are too many.

One common theme still bubbles to the top.


Now the idea of ethics is in the mind of the beholder. And I don’t mean this in a moral equivalency sort of way. Nor do I mean it in some kind of hedonistic way. More I mean it as ideas as “that is just not right”. One in Christianity might suggest the Golden Rule, and there are variations of this “ethic” throughout the world and across most cultures and religions. This idea is what I think of and mean and suggest. Basically, treat other humans like you want to be treated.

Now most know of people, usually relatives, who say something simple that is profound to you, and you will never forget it, though they probably will. Such a thing happened to me maybe three years ago from my brother, who has done well in the financial world, and subsequently has lost more value he earned in the past than I have. Now what got my attention was that he “never” bad mouths people to make himself feel better, nor does he disparage others that might in the end help him. Yet he volunteered that the present financial situation was caused or influenced by those with poor ethics, and that they should go to jail. Now that got my attention.

As part of my lament the reader may laugh at me. Why is because I expect some degree of honesty and truth from our elected leaders. Now like most humans, I expect politicians running for office to promise about anything, and I discount that as best my experience helps me. But once ruling, I expect more honesty and truth about real problems which still exist. After all, I have to live and exist, as does my family.

Now in too much of the world, the “message” and the coordinated effort to manipulate the actual news seems to work, until people go cold and hungry.

Now those who think they can rule through the use of “message” stuff are suffering from low “ethics” in my mind. This is not the Golden Rule, and certainly not the standards used not too many decades ago. Ruling usually means listening to those ruled. And the message idea always fails in the end, for many reasons.

Last on the ethics “idea”, too many in the USA America think they can legislate our way out of our present dilemma.

I wish them luck. Even back before WWII, our federal legislatures and our president passed “Neutrality Laws”. And we all know what that got us. We can pass all the USA laws we want, I guess.

There is an alternative. One might call it “Fresh Blood”. The idea is to elect rulers at all levels; school board, city, county, state, and federal, that influence our lives and our family’s lives, and they bring their own ethics to the table.

After all, cynicism is one thing, but unethical behavior is another.


just a marine said...

Unless a tree in spring bloom, otherwise the result is unlikely in the fall

just a marine said...

You can not change the appearance ~ ~ but you can smile