
Friday, April 20, 2007

Short term gain, long term gain

It’s not the country, it’s the idea. Just look at the immigration rates!

The political battles in D.C., and the idea battles throughout the world, especially in colonial stained Europe, go against what the people are doing: voting with their feet. It’s the demographics, stupid. There is something going on in the West that attracts millions of families to vote with their feet and abandon the harbor of their known home to go to the unknown of the West. Yet they are going, in very big numbers. Many predict the Islamification of Europe due to immigration numbers, and national policies. And in the U.S. much the same is going on as many families from south of the border, and Asia, come to our shores. Clearly, something is better here than in their home country.

The friction over the effects of foreign cultures from immigration on assimilating countries, more specifically the desire of immigrants to assimilate and learn the native language and customs is real. It even seems to be worse today than in the past, the past that gave us what we have today. But most readings of history suggest our ancestors had the same concerns and fears, so it is harder to sort out for many. Most vote to speak English as a national language, but I just wish I could force this on all the intended people without having to kill them. Surrender is not being suggested, but numbers may overwhelm our society if it does not resort to things like killing. Rather, I think time will take over at the local levels, as in schools and boys and girls living here, and the American culture will predominate, albeit changed some by our latest citizens and kids.

The result should be a new world country, one which attracts families from all over the world. Sounds like today, nes pa. And our current and future enemies will suffer, even if they don’t know it yet.

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