
Monday, April 02, 2007

Exploiting the fault lines in the Democratic party

There are apparently two Democratic parties … one the federal party we people elected last 2006, and the other the Democratic party that represents another part of America, and the majority of us all. This party is closer to the Republicans in the sense of National interests. One might even call this group of politicians a national party. The current buzz word line is “blue dog democrats”.

The federal Democratic party elected in 2006 is out of control. Between party politics and playing up to egos the leadership is playing up to itself, and its minority bases. No problem with that, until it supercedes our national interests. Since we all have families and communities to support, the present Democratic party is becoming intolerable. There are alternatives, thank goodness. Domestic issues like taxes and the good intentions to promote many American values are being subjugated to now decades old issues. When are the dinosaurs going to die? Amplify all this with San Francisco politicians trying to be themselves in national and international politics and one can suspect the grim reaper will have his way.

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