
Monday, April 23, 2007

A manifesto to our western future

We as a group of western people are proud of our societies, and take offense at those who think otherwise. Much as happened in the past, and we have overcome and built up to the most fabulous societies in the world, today. We average citizens are living like the kings and queens in the past, only better. A little history makes this obvious, but some may not fathom all this, for whatever reason.

Do we have to fight for this, or use other means? In either way, the idea is to advance our children and way of life so they can go forward. Will they think like today’s concerned parents, probably? Will they be more static like the old people, probably some will. In this there is hope for our western future, and the world’s future, though the latter is second priority to most in the west.

In this vision, we of the west drive the train. Most of the world are of the “other persuasion”, which is historical. And people live this way, and our western realists say go along. Harmony is the goal. All is fine, until the unmitigated expansion of people and their quality of life comes into play. Are the realists (and maybe environmentalists) going to try impose their vision on us, and maybe kill our progeny along the way; or are we citizens going to be more practical in who we elect to sort it all out without embarrassing politics and politicians.

There is a win-win course of action for voters. Promote and elect politicians who display the most common modicum of understanding of things that affect us citizens, and our future. This is most important in this area, and other areas.

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