
Saturday, April 07, 2007

Pax Americana … is there a better way of life

The argument one hears mostly is that the American way in the world has become immoral … it is immoral in their idea. Those who buy this argument, and some even force their opinions, are sincere I think, and certainly hope they have a better way. So do I. Those who I most identify with are on the environmental bent. But there are many others who would rule the world another way. They come across to me as in our time people willing to pursue their goals by all means, to include usurping the votes of their fellow citizens. If this is the case, then they must be stomped down, politically, and in the realm of ideas. My vote counts, also.

Back to the idea of Pax Americana and a way of life. We are so far ahead of the world that it is something to be proud of. Just compare the environmental impacts of the rapid capitalism in China (with terrible water pollution and birth defects) compared to all the frictions here at home, and maybe our way of government and life has advantages. Go farther. All the aforementioned may be too idealistic. How about local men and women raising a family in an area they are proud of? This is America, and our politicians better protect and promote all this.

Those inside the D.C. circuit think, properly, the world is about them. After all, fabulous amounts of public money are being thrown about and traded off, and their decisions do affect us. In retrospect, this reminds me of all the stories about Rome. But we are different from Rome. I hope we in America are better than the roman citizens. I think we are.

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