
Friday, April 13, 2007

Justice in the world, tip points, and coincidences

Sometimes it all converges for local politicians like myself. My 60’s instincts come to face with truth and justice. What is the balance between good intentions and outrage, and the rule of law.

It as been fun getting older. What I thought 30 years ago about advancing my ideas over the rule of law has been tempered by time. Maybe there is another point of view, inspite of my certainty that I was morally on the right track to the future. And I may have been. Now who cares … I don’t.

What I do care about is my Family, and their kids. Being a father has baggage that I understood during the impregnation process (the sex was fun and good), but I knew what was going on. After the birth, the fatherhood part even got better. This was not a burden, this was privilege. There were disappointments along the way, by the way.

Now all the hoop la ha over the Imus racial comments about the Rutgers team has come up. He got fired by the New York crowd and their advertisers I hear. The details are still not interesting to me as a father. I am interested in how all this applies to my family. In this regard, the double standard of racism statements pops to the top of my antenna list. How does this affect me, and maybe even the types like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton are killing the goose that lays the golden egg. Maybe even we have reached a tipping point where pontifications by Sharpton and Jackson don’t gain the traction they used to. Just because you say something does not make it so.

What does count is family, culture, and way of life.

Welcome to the new world, Al and Jesse. That you are passé, you may not know it yet. Many of us do know it.

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