
Monday, March 05, 2012

Story time

We New World USA Americans are not too shabby!

And we still like stories to be told to us at all ages I think.

And I know we like ourselves (some more than others), and love our Families.

Hence any story time is probably pretty nifty.

Now if things are even chilly in your home during the cold season, or otherwise not perfect, I think stories do help a lot for our kids, being one who has had stories told to him. So anyone who wants to be a "story teller" better start thinking about the stories they want to talk about. The stories will usually have ulterior motives, but so what. Again, as one who listened to these stories I have heard, I always enjoyed the time, and the expectations of future story time.

Let your stories be Family, local, political, or even religious. That's the story tellers call. One can even read Bible stories, for example.

To me story time can be magical, and even we can be magicians in our own way.

None of this stops the also obvious, like boys and girls frictions, even as siblings, young people, and old people.

Last, some of these stories can be short or long in time. I suspect they will vary according to the story tellers. So be it. This is not like going to school, and going through periods.

This is just story telling time.

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