
Saturday, January 07, 2012

Descending into anarchy

The Occupy "movement" reminds me of this idea of the patients are in control of the asylum. I myself don't won't these people representing me. I can do better than those presently in the "movement". I suspect most people agree with this idea.

I still believe in the rule of law, vice something like the king's opinion, and his hired minions opinions. While I don't doubt their intentions, I do doubt their methods. So I still prefer the new world USA method of ruling and "electing" political leaders, as imperfect as it may be. I am now old enough to know the alternatives can be worse. And, yes, I still prefer to be a citizen than a serf. Said another way, I want an opportunity to influence my future through a vote.

So what happens if we, the new world USA, descend into anarchy. The quick answer is that I don't know.

The longer answer is that I am becoming some kind of survivalist if times get hard. I am even making my own electricity, and powering a security light so I can help defend myself, and my Family and friends. And I have many yard dogs to help defend. They make better biological alarms than most infrared stuff I can get these days. And I have plenty of clean water, and waste water treatment, all gravity powered. Now the "vegetable garden" idea sucks since the local soil is historically acidic and poor for growing things, though they do grow. I suspect it will all sort out, worse case.

All this suggests just how weird I may have become. But in my defense, I, like all of us, have to plan ahead. And all in all, being in a rural area with clean water and waste water stuff is not a bad place to be.

So why do I suspect we are descending into anarchy? The quick answer is that I listen to what is being said. The old time expression that "actions have consequences" seems to apply. Also I think we have a crummy set of elected political leaders that are changing things that will lead to anarchy. Hence let's change the leadership, or if they refuse to go, then revolt against them.

Now even I don't want to go through revolt. While it may be a fashionable term, the idea really sucks in its application. I prefer the vote, and the probable consequences, which I can live with. That course of action appeals to me.

So, to me, the time for change has come. You figure it out where you live.

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