
Saturday, September 18, 2010

They still don’t have a clue

The old joke about who runs any organization comes to mind. The old joke answer is “they” and “some son of a bitch”, whoever they are.

The recent primary elections and the rise of the “Tea Party” comes to mind. Too many still think in a status quo sort of way, that is, the future will always be like the recent past, which I define as the last 60 years, or since WWII. And after all, the evidence points that way. And all third party efforts since Theodore Roosevelt’s Bull Moose Party have depended on one person to personify the third party effort. I offer as evidence, Strom Thurmond, George Wallace, John Anderson, and Ross Perot’s efforts.

Now another third party effort is arising, but this time it is more based on an idea than a person. This changes everything, at least to me. I expect that most of the people who identify and vote this way will come from all past walks, to include Republican, Democratic, and Independent. It’s the idea that binds these people, not some status quo national party or traditional third party. Hence the one characterization that the Tea Party effort and votes are all over the place is probably a fair statement.

In a way, I have always wondered what went on during the time of the American Revolution in the 1770’s and I think much of what is happening today probably happened in similar ways back then. Even one image in my mind of a dinosaur railing against the world as the comet has struck comes to mind. I suspect there are a lot of status quo dinosaurs that are railing, or going to rail, against the catastrophe they sense occurring around them.

Now I also suspect that because humans are involved, much friction and bouncing around will occur in the near future, like between now and say 2020. Some humans will take advantage and if elected, simply fail to perform. They will be replaced as locals decide their futures.

These are momentous times, and great changes are occurring and will continue to occur. People want change from the status quo, and will make it happen, one way or the other. And I think this idea will occur at all levels: school boards, cities, counties, states, and federal.

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