
Monday, February 22, 2010

I too love my country

It’s kind of embarrassing to think that some fellow Americans may be bringing us fellow Americans down to their image of what they want us to be. What a shame that they, maybe, are messing up, for all the usual reasons. We in America are normally better than their vision.

We have other ways, like alternatives, that also make America a pretty good place for humans. After all, in the end, it is about us and our families. And “their” expectations may be different that than ours. And we voted them in, at least, for now.

Having to wait for new elections is frustrating, but also the American way. The alternatives are far worse, I think.

Now the other observation is that too many think that we are one Nation, as opposed to being like a “united states”. That is different, and only time will tell.

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