
Monday, September 10, 2007

Clouds in our coffee

Yesterday’s 1960 conservative is today an American liberal. Yesterday’s 1960 liberal is a PC socialist reactionary. The American public is about the same and too busy getting on with life to get bogged down in most politics, foreign and domestic. Anarchists are more organized thanks to the internet and computers. The sedate are comfortable in their personal security. The politicians are busy making money. Just swirl that cup of political coffee and milk and see America in action.

Will all this last forever? Will something make a cloud and rain on America? Will that something be foreign or domestic?

Our pursuit of quality of life and security for all is a dangerous course of action as going on today. It is one thing when the have-not voters can vote for a redistribution of wealth to them from the have voters; and it is another thing when we freely borrow to make up for shortfalls, and expect our descendents to pay the principal and interest. All have read the economic logics of why this may work in the long run, and all these theories are chancy. Perhaps the short or medium runs will cause the house to collapse financially.

A little self restraint, and even leadership and assertion about how to sustain all the good we have, is due in our future. Examples of leadership opportunities abound for foreign and domestic issues. Perhaps we can’t spend billions of dollars in Iraq even if we want to. Perhaps social security and Medicare/Medicaid solvency should be debated now before the system collapses.

The percentage of voters who think of themselves as independents exceeds those of think of themselves as of one of the two major national political parties. This is a clue to our national future, as our way of life and future becomes of concern to the voters. We all look into that cup of swirling coffee and milk the same.

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