
Monday, February 19, 2007

Today’s politics and the Democratic Party

A big fear from the opponents of the Democratic Party is that their Democratic base is so stupid it will buy the rewrites of history and Congressional shenanigans. Given the mainstream media’s reverberations of all the pontifications from the Democrats in control of Congressional agendas, it is an alarming concern. But so what? And maybe the anti-war or other limited bases are controlling the Democratic Party? Is it ideas, or just money in control? And don’t discount the anti-Bush types. They are out there.

The actual capabilities of the House and Senate are limited to the purse. There are not 535 Commander’s in chief. Even Murtha’s slow bleed strategy (Mr. Pork Barrel himself) and self-inflated public statements that the President will not veto his work, are, well, just that. Let the dance begin, Mr. Murtha. Go ahead and try get your ideas to pass the House, the Senate, and have the President sign it in. This process ought to be a really good free play exercise, given your appalling lack of current events knowledge in Iraq in the last 12 months. Even puff up yourself in an interview by saying the President will not veto your ideas, assuming they pass both the House and the Senate, which of course they will not. Go to sleep at night knowing Pelosi from San Francisco supports you.

There are still many patriots in Congress who will vote our National Interest. That our President has done a crummy job so far in prosecuting the war is pretty well accepted, I think. That his National Interest objectives are on the mark, I think are also pretty well accepted. We have something worth fighting for, and are still willing to commit our husbands, children, and female spouses to fight for it; as long as he does take corrective action.

What seems to be coming out of the Democratic Party woodwork is alarming! In spite of the 2006 national protestations about Bush and Republicans in general, once in power it seems like the real Democratic objectives are coming out. Now it is time to be fair. The present elected (by Democrats) leadership types look like anti-war, liberal, left over 60’s types. I think they are has-beens who, allowed to continue in their foreign policy schemes, will lead their Party into a permanent minority. Maybe even another Party (pick a name) will come to replace it because we have so many other domestic concerns. And we citizens like competition in how we want to be governed.

Two things come to mind.

Are we stupid? Can media masters influence us, maybe even influence the vote in favor of who ever hired and paid them?

Are we smart and willing to do the work to vote? I hope so. On this our National Hope rests!

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