
Saturday, February 10, 2007

Just who are these people who say they speak for us?

The nuclear U.N. guy tells us what he thinks. That’s fine until he crosses the line from administrator to political ambassador. Just who made him an ambassador. Best I can figure he did. But he tells us what he thinks about the situation. And the media covers it.

The former Secretary General of the U.N. Kofi Anan seems to have crossed the same barrier. I just thought his job was to be an administrator, but it looks like he decided to be the President of the world. Just where did I vote along the way?

While I am knocking the U.N., and add in California, we people should never put an insider bureaucrat (Anon, Davis) in charge of an executive position. They seem to have mixed priorities over their former life and our priorities.

Add in the media types who write and pontificate. Who, other than those that hired them, voted for what they say. The recent William Arkin debacle comes to mind. How did he become a military expert at NBC? The answer is embarrassing to NBC and the Washington Post.

We have not voted for Jimmy Carter since 1976. In fact we voted him out in 1980. But here it is 27 years later and he is still speaking for someone whom I wonder about? For sure nobody voted for his opinions and presence today. And the media still covers it.

The insults to common sense continue. Speaker Pelosi tells us she speaks for the nation. But if I have the facts correct, a district in San Francisco City reelected her, and the Democrats in the House elected her to the Speakership. This is not a national election to many of us.

Many of us don’t believe much of what we hear and read and see. Are the reasons obvious?

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