
Friday, October 24, 2014

Using a big word – morals

Using a big word – morals

I am hearing the word morals more and more these days. That’s good.

That one of the two present Senators from Massachusetts, reported she was 1/64th Native American in order to gain distinction at Harvard University marks her as demonstrating immoral behavior to me.

And if she, Elizabeth Warren, was just using the existing law passed and signed by others, or a University rule instituted by others, then that law or rule is immoral to me, too.

It is time for a change, to me. Now that seems a moral thing to do. I expect any change will take time, and am willing to accept that, too.

Even presently many of our American media seem to ignore this existing and recent moral transgression. I suspect many Americans don’t. Her behavior does matter, including this apparent moral transgression. I know I will have to ignore many of her many good qualities, too.

As President Obama says, it is just the right thing to do. To me, that includes ridding ourselves of politicians like her.  A person’s morals do matter.

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