
Friday, July 04, 2014

Why work?

Why work?

First are the assumptions.

We humans, generally speaking, want to work. It is just part of our human nature.

We all love our Families that we make and will work to best enhance them as best we can.

Work also provides for dignity and self-respect.

There are some (a small percentage) that don’t want to work.  People like this often get good at “milking” the present system in the new world USA.  And it works right now.


And for the future reality.

            Those that do not want to work for themselves and sometimes their Families will most likely die off, often through starvation, which is miserable way to go.  They may often steal in the meantime.

            There are others, often nowadays Islamic idealists who want to impose their own beliefs on us, like in the new world USA.

            Sometimes we have to fight to preserve our own ways of thinking and promoting our Families future’s where we live.

            Sometimes fighting is better than using “harsh language”.

            Life is still not fair.

            Freedom is not free.

            And job hunting is usually not easy or fun.


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