
Wednesday, October 03, 2007

The baby boomers are about over

Thank goodness.

The end never justified the means. Good intentions never counted as much as results. The population bubble numbers never trumped the rule of law and American sense of fair play. People still resent the idea of propaganda, media managers, and spinmeisters. One good deed is still told to about 8 people while one bad deed is still told to about 30 people. Parents still see education as a path to their children’s opportunity for success, and education is about teaching the basic skills, not indoctrination. Home and personal security is still more important than America’s image in the world, an image promoted by the baby boomers generally speaking. Changing future society is much less important than funding present society, which is pretty good.

Most of the younger generations are too busy to be caught up in the terrible state of affairs that seem to exist in the USA today. They are too busy working and having families, and being themselves. Many volunteer their national duty time. But they are not too busy to let the baby boomer generation tell them how things are going to be. These people will vote, and their numbers will dominate politics and values and the American culture as the baby boomers die off.

Politics as usual, the status quo will go on forever, and other such similar ideas are in for a change. Even practices like “say anything to get elected” and “lying politicians” are wearing thin, or failing. What has worked before will not work in the future, even the near future. It could be one or both national political parties are superceded. The present candidates for office at the federal levels should pay especially close attention. Unless these dinosaurs can evolve as the baby boomers die off, so they will die off, also.

One obvious example is partisanship, which works against our future national interests. Partisanship is about strategies and practices to gain power, not about us. If the parties can’t evolve, then the voters will do it for them. And these are busy American voters. And new American leaders are bubbling up to step in and take charge. This is especially admirable given the “politics of personal destruction” being practiced today. The vote in 2006 is starting to look like a shot across the ship’s bow. Heavy rolls of the future ship of state are expected.


todd anthony said...

Nice father is almost 60, and he talks about retirement nonstop. He's ready too, he says...

just a marine said...

Getting older is OK. It's the decrepid part I don't like.