
Saturday, July 14, 2007

Not all change is for the better

Whoa be the parents who let their child out of the house to roam the neighborhood for the day. After all local government child services may come after them for, well, being normal. This is a societal change that is not good. But the fear of the government is real, and pervasive. Our kids suffer as a result.

Not too many decades ago, societal values about kids roaming the neighborhood during the day and neigborhood were different.

Insulated kids protected against all threats to their health by constantly overbearing parents and government are more inclined to be ignorant of common sense threats to their health. The most dangerous and scary things that will do us in are simply never exposed to kids, at least while they are kids. Hence while in the old days there were never any deaths by car accidents in high school, and maybe a few in college, now they are the norm. Certainly because of richness, more kids drive cars today, but most don’t think they can get hurt or die (which of course is also normal). Yet free range kids learned among themselves there are more simpler and safer ways that is denied them today in the experience upbringing. So why we socially accept these high death rates from autos in high school and college while we still hover over them at younger ages is a change that is not for the better.

When kids run in packs in a neighborhood, there is a natural immunity to all the weirdo’s and sexual predators that may come in.

Nobody expects today’s parents to change their ways. Perhaps their kids as parents may change the societal standards. There are good reasons for doing so.

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