
Wednesday, May 23, 2007

The independents are the unorganized rabble party, whoever they are

Just wondering about organized politics in the US these days…

Both major political parties are formally organized, with chains of command and money solicitation campaigns, and worthy of all the political blood sport reporting all around today. And all still seems to focus on party advantage and gaining power over the US political enemy, the other side. Seldom do we ever read of National Interests, or common interests, or any other such quaint ideas of times gone past. Right now the Democrats seem especially bad at all this. And the present scheme seems to become a party federal politician, then a lobbyist, and loot the public treasury until the cycle repeats itself with new such people. That may be fine if somewhere along the way the idea of National Interest could float to the top. But it does not often float to the top, and those who do practice the status quo may even be right about whom we elect and what they do for us. Their evidence is the past.

So just how does the status of “independent” voter hit such high percentages. Perhaps many voting citizens are not playing the status quo game. Perhaps many voting citizens are looking at National Interest, or common interest, concerns as most important. This is especially interesting compared to the present political blood sport going on between the Republicans and the Democrats.

So how does an unorganized group who call themselves independents arise in the body politic? And this group is quite large, percentage wise at least. Many think they reject the status quo and past, and simply act and vote in National Interests. This should be an attention gainer for those professional political advisors and media managers. Perhaps the American world is changing in front of them and around them, and they just don’t know it yet. The independents do know it, and are leading the concept of National Interests, or common interests. This idea does not need party type organization. Rabble type voting instincts are just fine.

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