
Monday, January 20, 2014

Killing the goose that lays the golden egg

Killing the goose that lays the golden egg

       This parable from our past seems to be appropriate these days. For those that don't know about this parable, here is a wiki link on it:

            Perhaps this is what happens at the end of any era, in this case the end of the progressive/liberal era?  I don't know since this is all new to me, and the rest of us, too.  And of course there is no "on/off" switch.....rather the status quo's changing will be over some period of time, like years, maybe even decades.

            All I can do is conjecture about what it might mean to me. I can also report my worries. And I can report what is actually happening to me where I live. And of course I can plan and work to implement my plans.

            Now maybe the progressive/liberal era will go on forever, but I doubt it. Does anyone know much about dialectical materialism these days, a classical old idea that was both a bad idea in practice a century and a half ago, and has long been superseded anyway.

            So why do we the people, and those we often elect, still practice in all ways that which will probably bring our demise or way of present life, like killing the goose that lays the golden eggs. My  best guess is that it is some human foible, quirk if you will,  but we seem to do it over and over again. Oh well. When will they ever learn?

            So what kind of societal things will probably change if we have to go through a hard time period, like 25% cannot find work?

            Certain things seem obvious to me. One is that people will finally work at any job in order to live, and have their Family live.  That's one bit of good news. Along the way, many millions will have to die early and often miserably because of all the impacts of hard times throughout the world.  I can see poor health leading to some kind of pandemic,  or a regional war erupting, and our present generally poor leaders will probably make things worse. Another old time expression comes mind:  For lack of knowing what to do, they do what they know.  And in fairness, we do have some good leaders, too.

            So why kill the goose that lays the golden eggs, which seems such a counter-productive thing to do?  All  I can guess is that effectively that is just what will happen, which will aggravate the recovery time.

            At least the remaining voters will be more clued in as to their and their remaining Family's future, which should include making sure that "goose" lives safely enough.  We humans have too many good things to both brag about, and also to preserve, as best we can.

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