52 Reasons to Go to
Reason No. 1
- Reduced Blood
Pressure In 1989 the Journal of Religion and Health published a study on the
effects of church attendance on blood pressure. Researcher D. Larson and his
colleagues found that smokers who did not attend church were seven times more
likely to have abnormally high blood pressure. Smokers who did attend church
had lower blood pressure, similar to nonsmokers who did not attend church. Larson
concluded, "If you are going to smoke, make sure you go to church."Larson
D.W., H.G. Koenig, B.H. Kaplan, R.S. Greenberg, E. Loge, and H.A. Tyroler,
"The Impact of Religion on Men's Blood Pressure," Journal of Religion
and Health 28 (4), (1989): 265-278.
No. 2
- Answers to Prayers People
go to church to pray and worship God, but is there any evidence that prayer
works? A number of experiments have been conducted on hospital patients,
showing substantial evidence for the positive effects
of prayer. One such study was conducted by R. Byrd at San Francisco General
Hospital. He studied 339 coronary patients over a ten-month period. The double
blind study divided the patients into two groups. The first group was prayed
for by church members of various denominations (Judeo-Christian). The people assigned
to prayer were given the first names of the patients and asked to pray for them
regularly throughout the ten-month period. The control group was well matched
to the test group as to seriousness of illness, age of patient, etc. According
to Byrd, the prayer group had "less congestive heart failure, required
less diuretic and antibiotic therapy, had fewer episodes of pneumonia, had
fewer cardiac arrests, and were less frequently ventilated." The patients,
doctors, nurses and hospital staff had no knowledge of the purpose of the
study. Subsequent studies have confirmed this result. Byrd, R.C.,
"Positive Therapeutic Effects of Intercessory Prayer in a Coronary Care
Unit Population," Southern Medical Journal 81 (1988): 826-829.
No. 3
- Happier Marriages Can
going to church improve your marriage? There is considerable evidence for this.
Take for example, one study published in the Review of Religious Research in
1990. The study was conducted by M.G. Dudley and F.A. Kosinski. They tested 228
married Bible Christian couples for private religious practice (personal and
family prayer, Bible reading), intrinsic religiosity (how the person feels about
religion), and religious practice (going to church, witnessing, financial
support). After controlling for a number of variants, the best predictor of
happy marriage was found to be consistent religious practice --including
attending church and personal and family devotion. This study is one of many
that corroborate these findings across many faiths. Dudley, M.G., and F.A. Kosinski,
"Religiosity and Marital Satisfaction: A Research Note," Review of
Religious Research 32 (1990): 78-86.
No. 4
- Better Behaved
Teenagers A major study in 1998 reviewed religion's role in reducing high-risk
behavior among high school students. The study was conducted by J.M. Wallace
and T.A. Forman at the University of Michigan. A random group of 5,000 students
-- a very large sample -- from 135 American high schools was selected for the
study. A range of high-risk behaviors was studied, including interpersonal
violence, driving under the influence of alcohol, carrying a weapon to
school, cigarette and marijuana smoking, binge drinking, and seat belt use. They
also studied lifestyle behaviors such as diet, exercise and sleep patterns. The
researchers found that church attendance was associated with fewer deliberate,
potentially injurious behaviors, less substance abuse, and better lifestyle
choices. Those who indicated religion was important to them were far less
likely to have taken a gun to school. Wallace, J.M., and T.A. Forman,
"Religion's Role in Promoting Health and Reducing the Risk Among American
Youth," Health Education and Behavior 25 (1998): 721-741.
No. 5
- Better Personal
Health Good researchers are hesitant to draw conclusions without substantial
data to back them up. One method of testing the strength of a theory is to look
at many studies on one subject to see if the trends are significant and
"robust." Church attendance has been shown in many studies to improve
health. In 1987, researchers J.S. Levin and H.Y. Vanderpool at the University
of Texas examined the validity and outcome of more than twenty-seven studies on
the impact of religion on health. They concluded that twenty of the
twenty-seven studies indicated a positive correlation between church attendance
and health, even when factors were controlled. They noted that those who
attended church often were healthier than those who went infrequently. Levin,
J.S., and H.Y. Yanderpool, "Is Frequent Religious Attendance Really
Conducive to Better Health? Toward an Epidemiology of Religion," Social
Science Medicine 24 (7), (1987): 589-600.
No. 6
- A Longer Life Is
Billy Joel right? Is it true that only the good die young? Not according to one
study reported in the American Journal of Epidemiology. (the scientific and
medical study of the causes and transmission of disease within a population)
The study tracked social group activities and mortality in a study of 4,175
persons over the age of thirty-eight in one U.S. county beginning in 1965.T.E.
Seeman and his colleagues followed up on the group in 1982, seventeen years
after the initiation of the study, noting those who had passed away
between thirty-eight and forty-nine years of age. The researchers concluded
that not being a member of a church was a strong predictor or premature death,
even after controlling for age, sex, race, baseline health, smoking, physical
activity, weight, depression and perceived health status. It also predicted
earlier mortality for persons over sixty as found in similar studies for that
age group. Seeman, T.E.,G.A. Kaplan, L. Knudsen, R. Cohen, and J. Guralnik,
"Social Network Ties and Mortality Among the Elderly in the Alameda County
Study," American Journal of Epidemiology 126 (1987): 714-723.Schoenbach,
V.J., B.H. Kaplan, L. Fredman, and D.G. Kleinbaum, "Social Ties and Mortality
in Evans County, Georgia," American Journal of Epidemiology 123 (1986):
No. 7
- Less Suicide Among
Family Members Could going to church reduce the incidence of suicide in
families? A long-term study at Wayne State University in Detroit, Michigan by
Steven Stack showed that suicide is reduced among families that attend church. Not
going to church was the most significant factor in predicting suicide in
families, more so than unemployment or other socioeconomic factors. Stack, S.,
"The Effect of the Decline in Institutionalized Religion on Suicide,
1954-1978," Journal for Scientific Study of Religion 22 (1983): 239-252.
No. 8
- Less Alcohol Abuse
Among College Students Alcohol abuse can be a problem for college students.
Going to church does seem to have an impact on their alcohol use and abuse. A
study conducted by H. Wechsler and M. McFadden in New England and published in
the Journal of Studies on Alcohol is one of many studies showing the
beneficial effect of religious practices with regard to alcohol use. 7,170
students at thirty-four colleges were surveyed. Attendance at church was found
to be inversely proportionate to alcohol consumption. The study suggested that
students who attend church are less likely to drink heavily. The effect of
church attendance on alcohol use has been demonstrated in men and women of many
age groups. Wechsler H., and M. McFadden, "Drinking Among College Students
in New England: Extent, Social Correlates, and Consequences of Alcohol
Use," Journal of Studies on Alcohol 40, (1979): 969-996.
No. 9
- Improved Self-Image
Can going to church improve your self-esteem? In 1996, M.C. Commerford and M.
Reznikoff studied residents of four 200-bed nursing homes in New York City. Among
their findings was that public religious participation had a more positive
influence on how people felt about themselves in their later years than
"intrinsic religiosity" -- that is, believing oneself to be religious
but not participating in religious activities."Commerford, M.C., and M.
Reznikoff, "Relationship of Religion and Perceived Social Support to
Self-Esteemand Depression in Nursing Home Residents," Journal of
Psychology 130 (1996): 35-50.
No. 10
- Boosted Immune
Systems As communicable diseases such as tuberculosis make a comeback, one
might presume that going to a public facility like a church could increase the
chances of catching the disease. According to a study by G.W. Comstock, H.
Abbey and F.E. Lundin in 1970, however, the incidence of TB in the 1960s was
higher among those who did not attend church. The study, based on a survey (an
unofficial census of newly reported cases of TB between 1960 and 1964) of
Washington county, Maryland showed that those who attended church at least
weekly had the lowest incidence of tuberculosis, fifty-seven cases per 100,000,
compared to eighty-four cases per 100,000 for those attending church monthly.
Those attending church less than twice per year had a rate of 138 cases per
100,000.Thus, the more frequent the attendance, the more pronounced the effect.
The study confirmed results of an earlier study that showed positive TB
skin tests were more frequent among children whose parents attended church less
frequently. Comstock, G.W., H. Abbey, and F.E. Lundin. "The Non-official
Census as a Basic Tool for Epidemiologic Observations in Washington County,
Maryland," in The Community as an Epidemiologic Laboratory: A Casebook of
Community Studies. Baltimore: John Hopkins Press. 1970. p. 73-97.
No. 11
- Improved Personal
Satisfaction and Happiness Is it going to church that makes life better, or
would membership in any supportive organization have the same positive effect? S.J.
Cutler compared personal satisfaction and happiness of people in sixteen types
of voluntary organizations, including churches. The study, involving more than
830 persons, was published in the Gerontologist in 1976. Of the various types
of memberships examined, only those with church affiliation were significant
predictors of satisfaction and happiness. Cutler, S.J., "Member in
Different Types of Voluntary Associations and Psychological Well-Being,"
The Gerontologist 16 (1976): 355-339.
No. 12
- Reduced Stress Going
to church could be a factor in reducing your level of stress. Several large
studies show that people of religious commitment deal with stress better than
those without religious commitment. In fact, the greater the commitment, the
better people were able to handle difficult trials and problems. For example, a
study published in Social Science Medicine in 1991 suggested that among
infrequent church attendees, "new stressful life events and health
problems have a negative impact on mental health that is buffered among
frequent church attendees."Williams, R.W., D.B. Larson, R.E. Bucker, R.C.
Hackman, and C.M. Pale, "Religion and Psychological Distress in a
Community Sample," Social Science Medicine 32 (1991): 1257-1262.
No. 13
- Decreased Juvenile
Delinquency Parents who get their children ready for church each week know that
at times it can be a struggle. Studies show the effort may be worth it.The
Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency published a study by R. Stack and
D.P. Doyle in 1982.Using a nationwide sample of 1,799 boys below the age of
eighteen, they found that the more religious the boys were, the less likely
they were to be delinquent. Religious commitment was measured by the boys' own
reports of the importance of religion to them and by their frequency of church
attendance. The effect was notably stronger in communities where religious commitment
was more prevalent; suggesting that where there is a critical mass of church
attendance in a community, the likelihood of juvenile delinquency is reduced. Stark,
R., L. Kent, and D.P. Doyle, "Religion and Delinquency: The Ecology of a
'Lost' Relationship," Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency 19
(1982): 4-24.
No. 14
- Higher Self-Esteem
Among Teens There is evidence to show that teens that have grown up attending
church tend to have a better self-image than those without religious
commitment. The Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion published a study
by C.B. Smith, A.J. Weigert, and D.L. Thomas in 1979 on this subject. The
analysis of nearly 2,000 Catholic "middle class" adolescents from
five cultures in Europe and North America showed strong evidence for a
"positive relationship between adolescent self-esteem and total religiosity."
The study measured religious beliefs and practices, including church
attendance. Smith, C.B., A.J. Weigert, and D.L. Thomas, "Self-Esteem and
Religiosity: An Analysis of Catholic Adolescents from Five Cultures,"
Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 18 (1979): 51-60.
No. 15
- Stronger Marriages We
already mentioned that going to church can help your marriage. Does frequency
of attendance matter? Yes, apparently it does. Some studies indicate that the
more frequent the church attendance the better the marriage. According to
research by W. Shrum published in the Review of Religious Research in 1980, the
frequency of church attendance has a significant impact on divorce rates among
couples in the United States. The study of 7,029 adults showed that among those
who attend church less than once per year 34 percent had been divorced or
separated. Among those attending church several times per year, 27 percent were
divorced -- a small improvement. The most significant impact was for those
attending monthly or more often, of which only 18 percent had been divorced or
separated. The study controlled for age, education, age at marriage, and family
income. Shrum, W., "Religion and Marital Instability: Change in the
1970's?" Review of Religious Research 21(1980): 135-147.
No. 16
- Greater Resistance
to Cancer Studies indicate that going to church has a positive impact on
health. Some researchers have used modern research techniques to attempt to
discover how this is so. A study presented to the American Psychological
Association in 1998 showed some interesting relationships between church
attendance and immune system functioning. The researchers looked at the
religious practices of 112 women with breast cancer. The average age of the women
was fifty-three years, and those in the study group had metastatic breast
cancer on average for two years. The researchers found that those who were
highly religious or attended church often had stronger immune systems,
including greater number of T-helper cells, lymphocytes, and other beneficial disease-fighting
cells. They concluded that "spirituality is positively associated with
immune status."Schaal, M.D., S.E. Sephton, C. Thoreson, C. Koopman, and D.
Spiegel, "Religious Expression and Immune Competence in Women with
Advanced Cancer." (August 1998): Paper presented at the Meeting of the American
Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA.
No. 17
- Ability to Cope
with Disaster After a natural disaster, medical emergency, or other personal
crisis, many people report that their faith in God helped to carry them
through. Is there any scientific evidence to support this? There is, according
to an extensive review of research on sociological support groups published in Psychosomatic
Medicine in 1996.The review showed that having a religious "support
group," or a relationship with clergy, fellow congregation members, or
God, could have a significant impact on reducing negative stress responses to environmental
or personal disasters, such as a life threatening illness or natural disaster.
The study, conducted by T.E. Seeman and B.S. McEwen, showed that having a
strong religious support structure had a positive influence on neuroendocrine
regulation in persons experiencing high stress situations. Seeman, T.E., and
B.S. McEwen, "Impact of Social Environment Characteristics on
Neuroendocrine Regulation," Psychosomatic Medicine 58 (1996): 459-471.
No. 18
- Decreased Underage
Drinking Alcohol consumption, especially heavy drinking among teenagers, has
been associated with many other high risk behaviors and contributes
significantly to the high death rate among teens each year. How do you prevent
teens from drinking? Parents who take their children to church may have hit on
a solution. A study by R.P. Schlegel and M.D. Sanborn of 842 male and female
teenagers shows an interesting relationship between religious affiliation and
alcohol consumption. The study published in the Journal of Studies on Alcohol
showed that Protestant and Catholic teens that have a strong religious
affiliation are less likely to be heavy drinkers. The study found that boys who
were religious but no longer attend church had higher rates of heavy drinking. Schlegel,
R.P., and M.D. Sanborn, "Religious Affiliation and Adolescent Drinking,"
Journal of Studies on Alcohol 40 (1979): 693-703.
No. 19
- More Happiness and
Excitement in Old Age Want to have excitement in your old age? A 1980 study by
L.Y. Steinitz, published in the Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion,
showed that church attendance is related to happiness, self-rated health, satisfaction
with circumstances (city, family, health), and even excitement in the life
among older persons. Steinitz surveyed 1,493 people over the age of sixty-five
and determined church attendance was the most important religious factor in
predicting happiness. Steinitz, L.Y., "Religiosity, Well-Being, and
Weltanschauung Among the Elderly," Journal for the Scientific Study of
Religion 19 (1980): 60-67.
No. 20
- Healthier Communities
Do communities that have more active churchgoers have healthier citizens than
less religious communities? There is evidence that they do. For example, a
study by J.W. Dwyer, L.L. Clarke and M.K. Miller in 1990 measured the effect of
community religious affiliation in 3,063 U.S. countries on cancer mortality
rates. Communities with high populations of "conservative Protestants
among others had the lowest mortality rates." Even those who are less
religious, but live in active religious communities, may experience health benefits.
Some researchers believe this may result from "diminished exposure to or
increased social disapproval of behaviors related to cancer mortality." It
is interesting to note that the results were valid even after controlling for
fifteen of the major known causes of cancer. Dwyer, J.W., L.L. Clarke, and M.K.
Miller, "The Effect of Religious Concentration and Affiliation on
CountyCancer Mortality Rates," Journal of Health and Social Behavior 31
(1990): 185-202.
No. 21
Long-Term Benefits
Frequent attendance at Church seems to have positive, long-term effects on many
people. A longitudinal study lasting more than twenty-eight years published in
the American Journal of Public Health in 1997 followed 5,286 residents of a
U.S. county.The researchers found that frequent church attendees were less
likely to smoke. Among those who did smoke, they more likely quit smoking.
Frequent church attendees also tended to drink less, have more social contacts,
stay married, and live longer than infrequent attendees. Frequent churchgoers
were also more likely to exercise and lose weight. Strawbridge, W.J., R.D.
Cohen, S.J. Shema, and G.A. Kaplan, "Frequent Attendance at Religious
Services and Mortality Over 28 Years," American Journal of Public Health
87 (1997): 957-961.
No. 22
- Rising Out of
Poverty Among the most persistent of problems is poverty in the inner cities of
America. Consider the data on a problem that politicians, human rights
activists and social workers have wrestled with for decades. The National
Longitudinal Survey of Youth (NLSY) tracked the development of 12,686 American
youths beginning in 1979.Children whose families attended church weekly in both
1979 and 1982 grew up to have an average family income of $37,000 in 1993. For
those whose families never attended church in 1979 or 1982, however, their
adult average family income in 1993 was $24,361 (a difference of $12,639). The
impact of going to church was significant for those who grew up in intact
families as well as for those who grew up in broken families. U.S. Department
of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics. "The National Longitudinal Survey of
Youth," analysis by Heritage Foundation, analyst Christine Olson (1979).
No. 23
- Improved Sex Life Going
to church obviously has a positive impact on many aspects of life, from
boosting your immune response to improving your social life. But can it really
improve your sex life? Aren't religious women "prudish," as some
stereotypes suggest? A study entitled "Sex in America", published in
1995, showed very high sexual satisfaction among "conservative"
religious women. The study was carried out at the University of Chicago and the
State University of New York at Stonybrook. The study reconfirmed another study
in 1997 by C. Travis and S. Sadd, entitled The Redbook Report on Female
Sexuality, which concluded that very religious women achieve greater
satisfaction in sexual intercourse with their husbands than do moderately
religious or non-religious women. Michael, R.Y., J.H. Gagnon, E.O. Laumann, and
G. Kolata. Chapter 6 in Sex in America: A Definitive Survey. Boston: Little
Brown. 1995.Travis, C., and S. Sadd. The Redbook Report on Female Sexuality.
New York: Delacorte Press. 1977.
No. 24
- Influence on Future
Generations In spite of an apparent decrease in church attendance, particularly
among young people, there is evidence to show a stability of church attendance
in families across generations. A study by Arland Thornton and Donald Camburn
of the Institute for Social Research at the University of Michigan
concluded:"These data indicate strong inter-generational transmission of
religious involvement. Attendance at religious services is also very stable
within generations across time."This could indicate that our individual
dedication to going to church regularly may have an impact on our posterity. The upshot of this, for those of
us who would want the benefits of going to church for our children and grandchildren,
is that we must lead by example if we expect future generations to do the same.
Thornton, A., and D. Camburn, "Religious Participation and Adolescent
Sexual Behavior and Attitudes, "Journal of Marriage and the Family 51
(1989): 641-653.
No. 25
- Better Parenting
Practices There is evidence to show that parents who attend church may have
better parenting practices than those who do not. For example, J.M. Strayhorn,
C.S. Weidman, and D. Larson conducted a study in 1990 of 201 primarily low-income
parents of children in the Head Start pro gram. Parents were measured on a
variety of behaviors related to interacting with their children.The
results showed that parents who rated high on public and private
"religiosity" (church attendance and related activities) exhibited
more positive parenting skills than non-religious parents. Strayhorn, J.M.,
C.S. Weidmen, and D. Larson, "A Measure of Religiousness and Its Relation
to Parent and Child Mental Health Variables," Journal of Community Psychology
18 (1990): 34-35.
No. 26
- Food, Folks and Fun
There appear to be many studies that would suggest that going to church every
week, over the long haul, can contribute greatly to your social life, as well
as to your health. For example, a 29-year-long longitudinal study, published in
the Annals of Behavioral Medicine in 2001,followed subjects from 1965 to 1994,
measuring their health behaviors, social relationships, marital stability and
mental health. The results showed that church attendance not only increases
survival, but also improves mental health and social relationships. Weekly
attendees showed a stronger correlation to these and other healthy behaviors
than those who attended sporadically or not at all. Strawbridge, W.J., S.J.
Shema, R.D. Cohen, G.A. Kaplan, "Religious Attendance Increases Survival
by Improving and Maintaining Good Health Behaviors, Mental Health, and Social
Relationships," Annals of Behavioral Medicine 23 (1), (2001): 68-74.
No. 27
- Safer Communities It
seems that more and more evening news broadcasts focus on a terrible murder or
other crime committed in our neighborhoods and communities. Do we need to start
fearing our own neighbors now? Not if we all go to church. Statistically
speaking, people who go to church do not commit murder as often as those who
don't attend church. Thus, if the nice guy next door is a churchgoing person,
the chances are reduced that one day you will be seeing him on the six o'clock
news being led away in handcuffs. A study by D. Lester published in Psychological
Reports in 1988 is a good case in point. The study showed that the percentage
of people attending church in a community was inversely related to homicide.
This study concluded, as have others, that actually attending church is a more
important factor in reducing homicide rates than mere religious affiliation or
belief. Lester, D., "Religion and Personal Violence (Homicide and Suicide)
in the USA," Psychological Reports 62(1988): 618.
No. 28
- Reduced Welfare Dependency
It is not surprising to some that welfare dependency is lower among
churchgoers. Determining why this is so is a more complex issue. R. Jarrell has
conducted studies on inner city "at-risk" students (primarily black
and Hispanic) who show academic promise. His studies may have uncovered an
important clue. He noted a relationship between church attendance and
optimistic attitudes. Those who attend church frequently were more likely to
see a brighter future and have more serious goals than non-church attendees.
They had better relationships with their parents, felt more in control of their
lives, and viewed the world as less hostile than those who did not attend
church. This could help explain why churchgoing young people tend to be more
successful in their careers and lessdependent on welfare. Jarrell, R.,
Department of Education, Arizona State University West, personal communication,
No. 29
- Fewer Drug Dealers Is
there a drug dealer in your neighborhood? Perhaps that person's parents
neglected to take him to church.It is more than a speculation, however. A
number of studies show that crime, including drug dealing, is associated with
infrequent church attendance. For example, A. Singh found in 1979 that young
religious adults in Canada were less likely to sell narcotics, gamble or
destroy property. A number of studies confirm that children whose parents take
them to church tend to avoid criminal behavior and are more likely to be
involved in positive activities in the community. Singh, A., "Note:
Religious Involvement and Anti-Social Behavior," Perceptual and Motor
Skills 48 (1979):1157-1158.
No. 30
- Critical Direction
for Teens A lot of delinquent and criminal behavior can be correlated to two
interesting factors in the life of they oung delinquent: not going to church at
all, or going to church until about the age of ten and then quitting. The data
holds true for alcoholics and drug addicts as well. For example, one study by
N. Parson and J. Mikawa published in the Journal of Psychology in 1990 showed that
after controlling for family, economic and religious backgrounds, the majority
of African-American men in prison either never attended church or stopped going
by age ten. Teenage years are a critical time in the life of a person, and
parents who continue to shepherd their children to church each week are more
likely to reap the rewards of socially adjusted children. Parson, N.M., and
J.K. Mikawa, "Incarceration and Non-Incarceration of African-American Men
Raised in Black Christian Churches," Journal of Psychology 125 (1990):
No. 31
- Faster Healing In
previous e-mailings we have already discussed the impact of going to church on
the body's immune system. Going to church does appear to defend us from diseases
and help us recover more quickly. What about other types of healing, such as
the healing of broken bones? It seems there is evidence for this too. A study
of elderly women in 1990, published in the American Journal of Psychiatry,
showed that those of religious commitment (including church attendance)
recovered more quickly from broken hips. The religious women spent less time in
the hospital, could walk farther at the time of their release, andsuffered less
depression than those who professed no religious commitment. Pressmen, P.J., S.
Lyons, D.B. Larson, and J.J. Strain, "Religious Belief Depression, and
Ambulation Statusin Elderly Women with Broken Hips," American Journal of
Psychiatry 147 (6), (1990): 758-760.
No. 32
- Less Premarital Sex
Among Youth Going to church seems to have many positive effects on teen
behavior. Not least among those effects is the propensity for teens to avoid
premarital sexual behavior. Premarital sex can have numerous repercussions for
teens, including health risks and, of course, pregnancy. Religious activity can
help prevent teens from engaging in premarital sexual behavior, as demonstrated
by J.T. Woodroof in a study of 477 freshmen students at religious colleges,
published in the Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 1985.Woodrood
found that teens who attend church frequently are half as likely to engage in
premarital sex as those who attend less than weekly. Again, the more frequent
the church attendance, the less likely the behavior.
Woodrood, J.T., "Premarital Sexual Behavior and Religious
Adolescents," Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 24 (1985):
No. 33
- Fathers Spend More
Time with Children Another interesting finding about churchgoing families is
that fathers are encouraged, through their church associations, to spend more
time with their children. More interesting still is that the actually do. An
article published by the Hartford Institute for Religion Research, based on
studies by J. Bartowski, B.Wilcox and C. Ellison, noted that conservative
Christians are more like to put family concerns ahead of career
considerations, not only in theory but in deed. The researchers found that
these fathers were more involved with their children, both at home and within organized
church and non-church activities, such as Scouts, youth groups, and
father-child events."Bartowski, J.P., W.B. Wilcox, and C.G. Ellison,
"Parenting and Evangelical Families," Hartford Institute for Religion
Research (2001).
No. 34
- More Effective
Child Discipline Everyone knows that conservative religious families are more
stern and strict about family rules, right? Well, partly right. A study by J.
Bartowski, B. Wilcox and C. Ellison found that in conservative religious
families, parents are more likely to use spanking to discipline children. They
also found, however, that these parents are less likely to yell at their kids
or mete out arbitrary discipline. These parents tend to rely on parenting
manuals consistent with their religious beliefs and are encouraged by religious
leaders and church support groups to set clear expectations for their
children's behavior and use corporal punishment only in well-defined circumstances
of outright rebellion. They also tend to show more leniency in mitigating
circumstances. Children disciplined in this manner do not appear to exhibit the
negative characteristics of children from abusive or dysfunctional families, as
has been shown by C.G. Ellison in his 1996 study of 13,017 adults
in1996.Bartowski, J.P., W.B Wilcox., and C.G. Ellison, "Parenting and
Evangelical Families," Hartford Institute for Religion Research
(2001).Ellison, C.G., "Conservative Protestantism and the Parental Use of
Corporal Punishment," Social Forces 75(1996): 1003-1028.
No. 35
- Religion and Body
Health It would be tempting, having read so much about religious people being
healthy and living longer than the population at large, to begin to see
churchgoers as being buff and slim. Unfortunately, that's not quite right. Some
research suggests that churchgoers tend to be heavier than the average for the
population. For example, a large survey of 3,497 adults, conducted by K.F.
Ferraro in 1998 and published in the Review of Religious Research, showed
a connection between religious behavior and a tendency to be overweight. Yet we
know that obesity is a strong predictor of poor health and early death. How can
these well-documented yet opposing conclusions be reconciled? As was the case
with smokers who attend church (shown to be healthier than non-smokers who do
not attend church), it appears that the overall benefits of going to church
mitigate, to some degree, the negative effects of being overweight. Lest we
think that going to church makes us quasi-invincible, it is worth pointing out
that the best results for health and happiness come when religious practice is
combined with sensible health practices, as shown in a study conducted by J.E.
Enstrom.Ferraro, K.F., "Firm Believers? Religion, Body, Weight, and
Well-Being," Review of Religious Research 39(1998): 224-244.Enstrom, J.E.,
"Cancer Mortality Among Mormons in California During 1968-75,"
Journal of the NationalCancer Institute 65 (1980): 1073-1082.
No. 36
- Healthier Behaviors
for Teens Each year many thousands of teenagers are killed in car accidents.
Seat belt use, or the lack of it, is often a
factor. In a 1991 survey conducted by W.A. Oleckno and M.J. Blacconiere,
published in Psychological Reports, the researchers set out to measure wellness
and health-related behaviors in young people. Not only did they find that
religious behavior predicted fewer illnesses and less smoking, drinking and
drug abuse, but also that religious young people were more likely to use a seat
belt, dramatically increasing their chances for survival in a serious
automobile accident. The finding might be considered insignificant, compared to
the more dramatic findings of so many other studies, unless the child who
survives the crash is your own. Oleckno, W.A., and M.J. Blacconiere, "Relationship
of Religiosity to Wellness and Other Health-Related Behaviors and
Outcomes," Psychological Reports 68 (1991): 819-826.
No. 37
- Caring for the
Nation's Poor As anyone familiar with government deficit spending knows, social
programs are expensive and can be a nightmare to administer. The cost would be
even higher, were it not for significant involvement by churches in providing
social assistance to the needy. A study by D. Roozen and C. Dudley known as the
"Faith Communities Today" (FACT) showed that America's churchgoing
families are bearing a significant amount of the social burden, with more than eighty
percent of the U.S. congregations providing some form of assistance. The range
of services includes financial assistance, shelters, soup kitchens, food
pantries and clothing for the poor. Churches also provide elderly housing,
child daycare, tutoring and substance abuse counseling, along with a whole
range of support groups and counseling for emotional illness and other social
problems. Inner city areas and minority groups are greatly served by religious
organizations across a wide variety of denominations. Roozen, D., C.
Dudley, "Faith Communities Today (FACT)" Hartford Institute for
Religion Research (2001).
No. 38
- More Affectionate
Parents How does religious activity impact the relationship between parents and
children? Some research indicates the stereotype of stern, conservative
Christian parents is usually debunked by the reality of more affectionate and
loving parents. A review of research by J. Bartowski, B. Wilcox and C. Ellison,
published by the Hartford Institute for Religion Research, shows that
conservative Christian parents tend to hug more often and give more positive
reinforcement than other parents. They found that this, and other positive
parenting, seemed to cancel out the negative effects on children associated
with corporal punishment administered by these parents. Bartowski, J.P., W.B.
Wilcox, and C.G. Ellison, "Parenting and Evangelical Families,"
Hartford Institute for Religion Research (2001).
No. 39
- More Good
Samaritans How would you like to live in a community where neighbors were
helpful, would bring a meal to a sick person, and would stop to help a stranded
motorist? If that's the neighborhood you would like to live in, perhaps you
should live in a neighborhood of churchgoing people. A study on a survey by
L.D. Nelson and R.R. Dynes, published in the Journal for the Scientific Study
of Religion, showed that religious devotion predicted seventy-five percent
of ordinary, day-to-day helping behavior, and that church attendance
consistently indicated an increased likelihood to provide emergency assistance.
It may be that the parable of the Good Samaritan has had an impact on those who
have been present for the sermon. Nelson, L.D., and R.R. Dynes, "The
Impact of Devotionalism and Attendance on Ordinary and Emergency Helping
Behavior," Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 15 (1976): 47-59.
No. 40
- Less Alcohol Abuse
Among Men One of the great problems of modern society is the misuse of alcohol.
Arguably the most abused drug, alcohol's toll on human health and on human life
ranks high. Its toll on family happiness, however, is off the charts. Alcohol
abuse is related to spouse and child abuse and child neglect and can be a
significant predictor of broken marriages. Religious attendance, or rather
the lack of it, is a strong predictor of alcohol abuse among men, according to
a number of studies, including that of a large random sample of 2,746 men byD.
Calahan, I.H. Cisin, and H.M. Crossley. The study was published in American
Drinking Practices. In this and in follow-up studies, Calahan and his
associates determined that churchgoing men were farless likely to abuse
alcohol. Calahan, D., I.H. Cisin, and H.M. Crossley. American Drinking
Practices. New York: United PrintingServices. 1969.Cahalan, D., and R. Room,
"Problem Drinking Among American Men Age 21-59," American Journal
of Public Health 62 (1972): 1473-1482.
No. 41
- Fewer Children
Impacted by Divorce In a previous reason we e-mailed we discussed that going to
church has a positive effect on marriage and significantly reduces divorce
rates. A few decades ago it was common for married couples to avoid divorce "for
the sake of the children." Current divorce rates in the United States seem
to indicate this is not as common a practice. Is there really any impact of
divorce on children in the long run? One major study showed that divorce has
serious long-term adverse effects on children. The study was done in Great
Britain in 1995 by P.L. Chase-Lansdale, A.J. Cherlin and K.E. Kiernan. They
followed 17,414babies born in 1958 until they were twenty-three years old. The
results showed that children whose parents were divorced when the children were
between the ages of seven and sixteen showed a 36percent greater likelihood of
psychological problems by the time they reached the age of twenty-three than
the control group. Children whose parents divorced before they reached the age
of seven showed a whopping 58 percent greater likelihood of such problems. This
is significant considering the substantial impact of church attendance on
marriage stability. For example, a study published by the Review of Religious
Research in 1984 showed that:
orientation may influence marital stability and quality through moral guidance
and social, emotional and spiritual support."Chase-Lansdale, P.L., A.J.
Cherlin, and K.E. Kiernan, "The Long-Term Effects of Parental Divorce on
the Mental Health of Young Adults: A Developmental Perspective," Child
Development 66 (1995): 1614-1634.Filsinger, E.F., and M.R. Wilson,
"Religiosity, Socioeconomic Rewards, and Family Development: Predictorsof
Marital Adjustment," Journal of Marriage and Family 46 (1984): 663-670.
No. 42
- Easier School
Adjustment and Less Peer Pressure What impact does family church attendance
have on how young people adjust at school? A study by E.R. Oetting and F.
Beauvais published in the Journal of Counseling Psychology in 1987 showed that
among eleventh and twelfth graders, identifying with religious beliefs was
positively related to strong family relationships and the ability to adjust
well in school. The study also showed that these qualities are negatively
associated with peer pressure related to drug abuse. Oetting, E.R., and F.
Beauvais, "Peer Cluster Theory, Socialization Characteristics, and
Adolescent DrugUse: A Path Analysis," Journal of Counseling Psychology 34
(1987): 205-213.
No. 43
- Better Maternal
Influence We have noted that fathers who attend church often have a significant
impact on their children, and that absent fathers (even emotionally absent
fathers) can be a predictor of juvenile delinquency in children. What about
mothers? A study by V.A. Foshee and B.R. Hollinger published in the Journal of
EarlyAdolescence in 1996, made some interesting observations. They looked at
the effects of maternal influence on 1,553 teenagers (ages twelve to fourteen).
They found that children of religious mothers were less likely to use alcohol. Perhaps
more interesting were the results of comparing the children of mothers who did
not attend church, but who felt religion was important, to the children of
mothers who did attend church. The study revealed that, for the most part, only
mothers who actually made the weekly trip to church had a significant effect on
their children's alcohol use. Foshee, V.A., and B.R. Hollinger, "Maternal
Religiosity, Adolescent Social Bonding, and Adolescent Alcohol Use, "
Journal of Early Adolescence 16 (1996): 451-468.
No. 44
- Blessings for those
Who Pray Each week millions of people go to church, in part to be reminded to
pray. We have noted that many studies show that prayer helps people heal, even
when they don't know they are being prayed for. S. Alar also found this to be
true in a study that was published in Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine
in 1997. He looked at the power of intercessory prayer on anxiety, depression
and self-esteem in406 adults who he divided into a subject (prayed-for) group
and a control (not prayed-for) group. Ninety other adults were assigned to pray
for the subjects, with very positive results for the prayed-for group.Alar
found something else, though, that had not been detected in similar studies.
The ninety adults who prayed for the subject group also improved in health! lar,
S., "An Experimental Study of the Effects of Distant, Intercessory Prayer
on Self-Esteem, Anxiety, and Depression," Alternative Therapies in Health
and Medicine 3 (6), (1997): 38-53.
No. 45
- Survival of Cardiac
Surgery Many factors are involved in surviving heart surgery, including
seriousness of condition, the physical strength, age of the patient, AND going
to church.A 1995 study of 232 people over the age of 55 by T.E. Oman, D.H.
Freeman and E.D. Manheimer showed that those who took no comfort or strength in
their religion were three times as likely to die within six months of surgery
as those who did find comfort and strength in their religion. More striking
were the results of those who not only found comfort and strength in their
religion but were also very active in participation. They were dramatically
less likely to die in the six months following surgery, suffering a mortality
rate of two and a half percent, compared to a 21 percent mortality rate for their
non-religious counterparts. Oxman, T.E., D.H. Freeman, and E.D. Manheimer,
"Lack of Social Participation or Religious Strength andComfort as Risk
Factors for Death After Cardiac Surgery in the Elderly," Psychosomatic
Medicine 57(1995): 5-15.
No. 46
- Reduced Delinquency
The impact of going to church for teenage males has been demonstrated to be
very positive. We have already reviewed striking evidence that boys who quit
going to church by age ten are far more likely to become involved in delinquent
behavior or be incarcerated for criminal activity. There may be more to the story, however. C.W. Peek, E.W. Curry and
H.P. Chalfant studied 817 high school students. The results were published in the
Social Science Quarterly in 1985.They found that as religious activity
decreases, serious delinquent behavior, aggression, theft and vandalism all increased.
Apparently, even for those boys who do not entirely quit going to church, the frequency
of their church activity has a direct impact on their behavior. What is more,
the positive effect of going to church may be enhanced significantly if
both parents of the child belong to the same church and both attend regularly,
as attested to in a very large study of 21,720 junior and senior high school
students by A.L. Rhodes and A.J. Reiss. Peek,
C.W., E.W. Curry, and H.P. Chalfant, "Religiosity and Delinquency Over
Time: Deviance Deterrence and Deviance Amplification," Social
Science Quarterly 66 (1985): 120-131.
Rhodes, A.L., and
A.J. Reiss, "The 'Religious Factor' and Delinquent Behavior," Journal
of Research in Crime and Delinquency 7 (1970): 83-98.
No. 47
- A Sense of Purpose Is
there a purpose to our existence? Some people have observed how curious it is
that millions of us go about our daily lives, year after year, without knowing
why. A number of studies have been conducted to determine whether people have a
sense of purpose.G. Richards did a survey of 345 members of a
non-denominational prayer group published in the Journal of Psychology and
Theology in 1991.He found, as other researchers have, that people who pray find
a greater sense of purpose in life. Other studies have confirmed this finding,
and one large study conducted by C.G. Ellison, D.A. Gay and T.A.Glass linked
this sense of purpose with greater life satisfaction. Richards, D.G., "The
Phenomenology and Psychological Correlates of Verbal Prayer," Journal of
Psychology and Theology 19 (1991): 354-363.Ellison, C.G., D.A. Gay, and T.A.
Glass, "Does Religious Commitment Contribute to Individual Life Satisfaction?"
Social Forces 68 (1989): 100-123.
No. 48
- Fewer School
Shootings As a stunned nation contemplated the seemingly senseless act of
murder at Columbine and similar events at other schools across the country,
psychologist J. Garbarino was carefully examining the behavior of these
and other troubled young people. In his book, "Lost Boys", he
observed a distinct lack of moral development as one of the common denominators
for child criminal behavior. Delinquent children do not adapt well in school,
have low self-esteem (making them ultra-sensitive to criticism), are physically
or emotionally distanced from their parents, and feel unsafe in their
communities. All of these factors, along with numerous other variables
in juvenile criminal behavior, have been shown to be influenced by church
attendance and religious observance. Garbarino, J. "Lost Boys: Why Our
Sons Turn Violent and How We Can Save Them." New York: New York Free
Press. 1999.
No. 49
- Friendlier People Are
religious people friendly? Certain stereotypes of religious people suggest they
are of a stern and judgmental nature. Some research, however, shows that
religious people may be fun to hang out with. For example, the 1992 National
Survey of Black Americans, conducted by C.G. Ellison and published in
the journal Social Forces, indicates that among a national sample of 2,107
black adults, those who held strong personal beliefs about religion measured
higher on attributes of personal friendliness and empathy. The researchers
controlled for physical characteristics, age, gender, education, income and self-esteem.
They also found that those who relied on religion for moral guidance were
generally more open and friendly and less suspicious during interviews than
those for whom religion was not important. Ellison, C.G., "Are Religious
People Nice People? Evidence from the National Survey of Black Americans, "Social
Forces 71 (1992): 411-430.
No. 50
- Fewer Criminals We
have referenced a number of studies showing how young people who do not attend
church are more prone to delinquent and criminal behavior. What about church
attendance when they are adults? A study of 550 men in a metropolitan area in
the Midwestern United States by T.D. Evans, E.T. Cullen, R.G.Dunaway and V.S.
Burton, published in the journal Criminology, is typical. The men were white,
having an average age of 41 and an average income of $30,000 per year. They
were measured on a variety of religious behaviors and whether they had
committed one or more of 43 criminal activities in the past year.They found
religious activity was significantly and inversely related to criminal
activity. Evans, T.D., F.T. Cullen, R.G.
Dunaway, and V.S. Burton, "Religion and Crime Re-examined: The Impact
of Religion, Secular Controls, and Social Ecology on Adult
Criminality," Criminology 33 (1995): 195-217.Fernquist, R.M., "A
Research Note on the Association Between Religion and Delinquency,"
Deviant Behavior16 (1995): 169-175.
No. 51
- Greater Longevity As
has been demonstrated by numerous studies, going to church impacts our life in
many positive ways. For example, we socialize more, have more friends, have
more concern for others, and do more volunteer work -- all of which have been
shown to contribute to health and happiness. Couldn't we just skip going to
church and engage in these other health-promoting behaviors to achieve the same
results? R.G. Rogers conducted a study of a 1984 national health survey, with a
follow-up in 1991. Rogers' study is interesting because he controlled for many
of the variables associated with promotion of good health, including family
issues, health variables, demographics, social support and volunteerism. He
even controlled for social activities such as attending movies, concerts and
the theater. His calculations stillshowed the stronger impact of attending
church on health, over and above mere socializing. These findings support
earlier findings by J.N. Edwards and D.L. Klemmack, who showed that in a random
samples of 507 adults over the age of 45, participation in voluntary
organizations other than churches was not related to life satisfaction. Rogers,
R.G., "The Effects of Family Composition, Health, and Social Support
Linkages on Mortality, "Journal of Health and Social Behavior 37 (1996):
326-338.Klemmack, D.L. and J.N. Edwards, "Correlates of Life Satisfaction:
A Re-examination," Journal of Gerontology 28 (1973): 497-502.
No. 52
- The Big Picture:
How Religion Fares in Scientific Studies Individual studies and experiments
indicate that going to church and other religious activities clearly have a
positive impact on individuals, families and communities. But how does religion
fare in the big picture? Does every study on religion turn up positive results?
The answer is no. The overall picture, however, is very positive. For example,
one study by E.C. Craigie, D.B. Larson and I.Y.Liu published in the Journal of
Family Practice in 1990 looked at 52 clinical studies on religion and found that
25 were associated with positive implications, 30 were neutral, and 9 had
negative implications. These clinical studies examined a broad range of 64
"religious" variables ranging from traditional prayer and church
attendance to simple meditation. Broader interpretations of what constitutes religious
activities tended to dilute the results. When the focus of the studies analyzed
was narrowed specifically to religious worship, relationship with God, and
related social support, the researchers noted that 24 of 27 cases were
associated with positive outcomes. Once again, going to church shows itself to
be a significant factor. Craigie, F.C., D.B. Larson, and I.Y. Liu,
"References to Religion in the Journal of Family Practice: Dimensions and
Valence of Spirituality," Journal of Family Practice 30 (1990): 477-480.
- Is going to church
is good for you? Is religion a fading phenomenon in America? Is it a relic of
the past with no future? A TV-land view of America might lead us to
conclude that religion has died out. It is true that church membership has dropped
from a high of 75 percent in 1947 to a low of 65 percent in 1988 and 1990? If
this were an election, however, 65 percent would be considered a fairly
substantial majority. It must also not be overlooked that there are still half
a million churches, temples, and mosques in the United States. Belief in God,
contrary to what many think, has remained quite stable. The authors of one
study, entitled "Religion: The Forgotten Factor in Cutting Youth Crime and
Saving At-Risk Urban Youth," wrote:"Belief in God remains the norm in
America, with levels of belief ranging between 94 percent and 99percent over
the past 5 decades."Individually, the studies published in this book are
interesting, but certainly they do not constitute proof of anything. Collectively,
however these and dozens of other similar studies constitute a significant body
of evidence that going to church is good -- good for you, good for your
health, good for your marriage, good for your children, good for your
community, and good for your country. And the more you attend the better the
results seem to be. What's more, the good effects may last for generations. Many
from time to time have wondered, "What can I do, as one person, to make
this world a better place?"Perhaps we have found one answer:
Go to church!
Larson, D.B., and
B.R. Johnson, "Religion: The Forgotten Factor in Cutting Youth Crime and
Saving At-Risk Urban Youth," The Jeremiah Project: An Initiative of the
Center for Civic Innovation (1998): Report 98-2.Used with permission. All
rights reserved, ACTA
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