
Wednesday, March 12, 2008

A wink and a nod about sex out of marriage

A perception is this is another thing that has changed in our media’s standards about what to report to we Americans. Not too long ago many of us read that sex out of marriage was not even interesting for we Americans to decide if this was important in what we thought about our political leaders, as in President. And this went on way before Clinton, as in Kennedy and Johnson, and even applied to Martin Luther King and Robert Kennedy. The exception was homosexual sex out of marriage, as in the Walter Jenkins story circa 1964. Now that was reportable. The point is that we Americans were selectively fed information that met some reporter’s and news editor’s definition of what mattered. Now deception is a British specialty, but should it also be an American specialty?

This still seems to be going on today, and many object. Let the American people decide if it is “pertinent”. If the reporting media seems to be doing opposition research, that is just fine. Most Americans would rather be embarrassed and knowledgeable now, rather than later and after a vote. And a majority of Americans think the reporting media is prejudiced, as in promoting “their” candidate or national party, so the whole process is exasperating if we are really being spoon fed information about candidates running for office.

Another astute comment about Clinton getting away with cheating on his wife, and it being exposed in public, still rings my thoughts. As long as the integrity violations have to do with sex, most Americans will be forgiving, even if it is women resenting men. And after all, for every married man or woman who cheats, there is another man or woman who goes along with all this. While many don’t buy this since marriage vows and words still mean something, it is for the American reporting media to report, and the American voters to decide what is important. The American reporting media should be reporters, and not propagandists.

The present hoopla about the Governor of New York is still developing and should be followed, as it will be. Just who the other customers are will probably come out. And I hope who the prostitutes are also comes out. They both deserve a comeupance. But a trend is also so obvious in its difference from our last few decades past, and as one who usually complains about selective reporting, the trend should be recognized. The trend is there is more reporting and less selective deception and propaganda about any individual or national party when it comes to sex out of marriage. And for this, good on the Americans who expect us to decide. Being a good news reader, and a good news producer and editor, is to be rewarded. Sustain it, and our USA country will be better for it, since it is we Americans and our families and kids still living here doing the best we can with what we’ve got.

I for one have my one vote. I am more forgiving, and don’t expect some kind holier than thou political leader. Even Marines benefit from street fighters, at least to a degree. But for sure we should expect “just the facts” or “just good reporting”, and then making up our own minds. That is the trend that is happening, and so healthful to we Americans if it keeps up. And lord help those who try abuse this trend!

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