
Saturday, March 15, 2008

Machinations of an unprofessional national media

Does it bother other citizens that so many cable media report about themselves?

Today the recent tornado near CNN in Atlanta got a total coverage. This was like these so-called international news types reporting who among their fellow employees just had a baby. It makes them look like what they are…which is an enhanced (by technology) local TV station. And that is fair enough since most local TV news operations are pretty nifty, I hear. If the recently fired female anchor in Philadelphia was drawing down $700K a year, then local news is also a big deal.

What really offended me was the unprofessional reporting of the “cookie cutter female reporter” who, in an outtake from the Atlanta reporting, stated that also the Southwest USA was also burning. Turns out it was a small wildfire, like 0.3% of the area, but of course all she does is read the news, also being fed by a fellow silly American news writer similarly out of touch, it seems.

America deserves better. And yes, I did turn it off as a waste of my time.

No wonder they are going out of business.

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