
Sunday, March 09, 2008

Time heals all wounds

…Or at least tones down most of our emotionalism, often well deserved.

The traditional phrase usually applies to the tragic loss of a loved one. It can also apply to terrible situations like divorce, disappointing children, or more recently, politics. The point of the saying is so human in all cases.

And humanity was toned down in the decades past when time delay was necessarily introduced in politics by ‘letters to the editor”, or having to wait for a scheduled political meeting, or having to compose a genealogy letter and wait for a response. Even the time delay in getting one’s political positions published to their fellow citizens in a newspaper, or a meeting, often had a calming effect that best reflected more time to think about whatever was so riling, so “feather ruffling”, or genealogy purposeful.

This “time heals all wounds” idea we can use to our advantage today, though there is small evidence it is happening today. This thought is premised on the old fashioned idea that well reasoned and educated thought will win more votes and change more political things than insults and revolutionary words that any political retard can repeat, given a little time. Let me say it another way. A little civility will go a long way, and time has a way of introducing civility to political discussions. And when one organizes to promote their politics and all too often certainty they know the “truth” and are possessed of this quality unique in human history, perhaps a little time will tone some of this fervor down. Most embarrassing is when people preach to their choir. While they may feel good, little change occurs.

Especially distressing in my lifetime is to perceive so many Americans seeing their fellow Americans as enemies, or disingenuous, somehow evil, or just unpatriotic. Yes communication is a two way street, and the breakdown of poor communications as exhibited by our instantaneous blogs and other such posts is a good example of why a little time to think might help things along. Even our education principles that have changed curriculums from simple subjects like American history and civics and home economics and shop to more touchy feely subjects like pet care have made many kids more ignorant in the end. Perhaps that is the point of this post. Some of our revolutionaries may be educational retards, and they don’t even know it. Even the use of bad language is so boring as an attention gaining method. I speak this as a Marine, and I am not impressed.

Now give many American communities credit; they have not allowed this curriculum corruption to happen, and so have enhanced their kids opportunities in life. A lot of mothers and fathers should be congratulated. So good on ya!

Give things a little time in acting, or reacting. More importantly, show a little leadership in demonstrating civility and word and deed, and acting vice reacting. Those that do not do so are on the losing side of history, to include American and New World history. And the world is full of these characters, also. Even here in the USA, we have more than our fair share of anarchists and faux revolutionaries who have entered a dangerous game for which they will be eliminated from society, by jail or death. But in the same vein, any good leader will recognize the good parts of what these people say just as we eliminate them by vote or otherwise for their methods.

One just wishes we and they were savvy enough to give time to heal all wounds. Alas, it is not so.

As a Marine, I don’t like reacting, or being on the defensive, and giving away the initiative. Nor do most Americans. So let us at the community and state level, vote and elect those who will lead, borrow good ideas for our future, and give time a chance to work to our American advantage. While our kids don’t know it, they need our mother and father leadership. One might even say mom and dad graduated from the school of hard knocks, and have valuable lessons to pass on. Even with hard financial times apparently coming, we still have our own American advantage, if we vote for it. The point of giving time to heal all wounds even applies as a factor, thank goodness.

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