Old prejudices don’t “just fade away”. They evolve to live another day.
The rate they pop up in the most unabashed ways these days, mostly from left leaning individuals, is simply astounding in two ways. One is the simple silliness of the prejudices that show little exposure to other people in our nation. Second is the gall to write and report such gibberish, and not be laughed off the national stage, or at least fired by the bosses. Perhaps the problem is deep enough to fire the producers, and their bosses? Perhaps the Board of Directors need to step in to protect their Company from poor management and loss of income from simple prejudice?
And what is going on is different from the past. It is way past jokes that begin “have you heard the one about …” Some are just mean-spirited, and too many reflect an appalling ignorance of many fellow Americans. That’s what gets so many, that others who self-anoint themselves as do-gooders have so little experience with their fellow American citizens. The consequences can be disastrous, as in the media and politics.
Start with entertainment media. The recent movie about NWA Airlines (niggers with attitude) plays upon every caricature of American negroes. Except it is far from what is going on in the real American world. Just who financed this abomination of a movie? Continue with too many in academia and the reporting media who literally believe and teach and report a hate-America and Christian agenda that is far from reality. And I don’t even go to church. This prejudice even smacks of an agenda to tear down American civilization, with little responsibility for offering change and improvements we can vote on. And on to the Jews, always the Jews seem to be at the bottom of everything bad in history, despite the evidence otherwise. Between the academics who should know better, and the Muslims getting all the political and media attention these days ( a real minority of Muslims by the way), the Jews are getting a bad rap in the USA. It is enough to make me think the Jews are God’s chosen people, and again, I am not very religious. Last, prejudice seems to be perpetuated by our education system of kindergarten through the 12th grade, both public and private. Too many things required for our children to be taught and tested on reflect prejudice and indoctrination. That I have a daughter taught American history in a Wake Country public school in the Raleigh, NC area, that emphasized racial prejudice as the main lens is simply appalling. Fortunately, many children recognize all this, to include at the college level, and the effort to indoctrinate becomes counter-productive. But some don’t. And in both cases, an education to be a high school graduate has been wasted. And just who is in charge … the teacher, the kid, or the adults.
So when I am at a super bowl party not too many years ago, and I hear an “educated engineer” describe how quaint people are in the South, to include living and dressing in the “Gone With the Wind” mode, all based on a vacation and visit to the Stone Mountain tourist trap, well, that is the icing on the cake to me.
Being an American is better than all this dumb prejudice. We’re a big country, with a lot of people and traditions. What will benefit us most are leaders who think about America first, as in unite us. Parents will help along the way. And this concern is real, as in children and people do matter, the most. Those who do not matter are TV personalities expressing themselves, and pundits who write for a living. And government is not the solution, business and voting is a better alternative. Being on a board of directors used to have intimations of being an honorarium. Now it is work. And the rest of us will sort it out just fine.
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